Chapter 5 | FORGOTTEN

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I was at my room watching netflix when bambam barged into my room.

Yep , barging into eachother bedroom is a normal thing for us.

"Oh hi bambam , sure u can come in" i stated sarcasticly.

"Lalisa manoban , is there something you are hiding from that i need to know and this matter includes sorn?" he glares at me as he said these.

"uhh no..?" I replied back nervously.

he continued staring at me expecting me to burst out the truth, but jokes on him i'm not going to give in easily.

"Fine! I gave sorn your number but hey i had a good reason" i fought with an excuse

I guess the jokes on me , i gave up.

"And what reason might that be lalisa" he grin knowing i really had no reason.

ugh why can he read me as if im an open book? I thought

"I just wanted you to date her as she's head over heels for you for the past 2 years , everyone is aware of it and i know you are aware of it too so why don't you make a move on her?"

"I am aware and sure she's cool , friendly and pretty but she's not the kind of girl i'm looking for manoban" he replied back sitting down on the bed.

"Okay then what kind of girl are you looking for? Not that im going to write it down and try to find the girl that fits descripted qualities at school" he laughed at that

he smiled and said " i want a girl who has the same interests as me , someone i'm comfortable with , whom my family loves and most importantly someone that has an amazing heart." while looking at me directly in the eyes. I dont know what or how , but i swore i felt butterflies.

"woah , u ask for too much bammie , i pity your future lover" i said sighing.

the next thing he said made my heart skipped a beat and i wasn't entirely sure if i heard him correctly with the fact that he said it so soft as if he was saying to himself but thanks to my well digged ear , i heard him.

"i guess u should pity yourself than"

Did he meant what i think he meant?

End of flashback

Until now , all the childhood memories i had with him kept replaying in my mind.

I was stupid and couldnt see all the signs he gave me.

How he would treat me differently. How he would smile from afar at everything i do. He made me feel belonged , he made me feel things that i've never felt before.

But i ignored it everytime as i thought it was ridiculous that i was in love with bambam. So i tried to distract myself by hanging out with ten way more often than i did with bambam.

I was so busy with ten that i didnt realise bambam was slowly slipping away , he was giving up.

And im to blame for that. All this things that has happened is my fault. How he treats me now is my fault but the least i can do now is gain back the old bambam.

Author note:

hello people, its me hehe. First update aft like how many months. Really sorry if this chapter is shitty and short but i really tried my best. Idk whr the storyline is gg but i'll try to use my non-existence brain haha am i funny yet?

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