chapter 6 | FORGOTTEN

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It is the end of the year that means award shows are around the corner. All group are busy practicing their choreography, during day and night. Our group is one of them, as we are still rookies we cannot risk to mess up.

'YG new girl group Blackpink is a total fail'

I can already imagine what the haters going to say if we mess up. Therefore here we are , practicing at sbs gayo daejun stage for the past 1 hour as we had a 2 hour slot. Sure it was tiring but like i said, we were rookies we had to make sure not to mess up.

"Can't we just stop? We've been practicing the same thing for the past 1 hour, im shagged" Jennie unnie said while sitting down on the stage.

"Ya , you know we have no choice , we're rookies , we have to make sure we don't mess up Jennie-ya" Ji soo said scoldingly.

"Thats right , just hang on for the next 1 hour" I remarked while giving Jennie a bottle of water. She needed that.

"Where's chaeng by the way?" Ji soo asked.

Sitting down "She went to the restroom, u probably didnt notice as she ran out as fast as the lightning" i said chuckling.

15 minutes passed and there was still no sign of chaeng.

Is she peeing or is she making pee?

"I think she got lost , lisa do you mind searching for her? You like like you're not tired so can u go search for her?" Jennie asked.

I nodded and went to search for my other half. I began searching at the only restroom they had. Yes they only had one restroom but she was nowhere to be found. So i continued wondering around, until i bumped into someone's back. The cologne was a smell that i could never forget.

This smell only belongs to one person

I looked up, and i was proven to be right. There he is, even looking at his back i could tell who he was. He was wearing his sweats but he still looked charming.

He turned around "Im sor-" he stopped after seeing who i was.

"Are you blind?" He said while glaring.

wow he wanted to say sorry but changed his mind after seeing who bumped into him.

"Why are you like this bambam? Can you please talk to me" I said pleadingly.

"I have nothing to say , so please move out of the way" he tried going around me but i blocked his way.

"Why did u left just like that bambam? Why couldn't you atleast tell me that u were leaving? Heck you promised that we were going to achieve our dream together. So why?" I said not realising that a tear has fallen.

His eyes soften for a second but quickly changed back to those cold brown eyes.

"You're really asking me? Think Lisa, what did u do?"

I wiped away the tears "Is it because i rejected your confession? Is that the reason?"

He smirked "I knew u were smart enough"

I scoffed "I can't believe you, i rejected you so you think you had the right to leave me and fulfill our dream alone and not even bother to contact me for the past 3 years?"

He stayed silent, so i continued "Yes i turn down your confession because i was scared, you were my bestfriend, my only bestfriend and to hear you say such words made me chicken out but i came back the next day, to tell you how i felt but you weren't there anymore, your mom told me that u have left to go to korea. Your mom told me you were rushing." I cried.

"It doesn't change the fact that you hurt me" Bambam said

I looked at him "You're ridiculous, what about what i felt? What about the hurt i felt knowing u had left?"

He didn't said anything but i hoped he did because even if he left unknowingly, he was still the bestfriend i grew up with. Nothing that he do will make me hate him. Upset? Sure but hate? Never.

But now, he was quiet, as if he didn't had anything to say. As if he didn't want to save our friendship.

I wiped away the tears and went to walk away because if i were to stay there any longer i know i would breakdown.

"Your feelings for me? Do you think i'm a joke? You never had feelings for me, u had feelings for Ten so don't come here and try to make me feel guilty by saying you had feelings for me" he scoffed.

I stopped walking "Think what u want to think, i really loved you, not just as a bestfriend but something more but i realised it later than u did"

If i continue to walk away than this is the end.

I turned around "I love you , i still do. So please, stop this cold act and hug me."

He walked towards me, for a second i thought he would walk right into my open arms therefore i smiled feeling hope but my smile was wiped off when he walk right pass me.

"That makes only one of us then, i've moved on, im happier now because of mina. So don't be like the selfish bitch you are and stop trying to interfere us" He said and walked away. That hurt.

Selfish bitch, he never once called me a bitch.

No i wasn't going to stop trying. He meant the world to me.

Im going to try my best to get my bammie back.

Author note :

Here's another update. My grammar sucks but hey i tried my best.

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