Chapter 8 | FORGOTTEN

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"ya , where are you going?"

"I'm heading out with Sorn unnie and Minnie to eat lunch , do you want anything Ji soo unnie?" She shooked her head "okay i'm going out now unnie bye" i said while waving.

It's been 3 days since the meeting with Bambam and i haven't been doing well for the past 3 days to be honest. At night i would have trouble sleeping because of overthinking. I would find myself daydreaming during movie night with the girls and as per normal the girls knew me too well and immediately knew that something was wrong with me and it didn't take a genius to know that it was because of Bambam.

So the girls suggested that i should go out with my thai friends or them to distract myself from all this thoughts so that's why i'm meeting up with Sorn unnie from clc and minnie from g-idle.

Speaking of them , here they come.

"Lalisa!! Its been so long!" Sorn unnie exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Unnie we just met 2 weeks ago" I said "Annyeong Minnie! How have you been?" I said as i hug minnie.

"I'm fine as always!" She said as she hugged me back.

We all went inside to the restaurant and started ordering. After scanning the menu i knew exactly what to ordered. "Can i please have one strawberry burst?"

 "Can we have 1 soda and 2 ice lemon tea and 1 strawberry smoothie , thank you."

2 extra drinks?

curiously, i asked "2 extra drinks? are you that dehydrated unnie?" 

she chuckled "ahni , it's for Bambam and nickhun" my eyes widened

"What?! They're coming?" i exclaimed.

"Ya! Lisa keep it down" Minnie shushes me

I'm dead , how am i going to face him? Should i make a run for it while i still have the chance? no thats wrong. I mean i did plan to win him back, maybe this could be my chance! i thought.

"ah here they come!"minnie said while waving frantically trying to make them notice us. 

As they started to approach our table , i got a good view of what bambam was wearing. He was wearing a black ripped heans with white t-shit paired with black leather jacket and he looked amazing.

"Oh lisa annyeong! ya its been a long time since i met you! You've grown so big!" Nickhun oppa joked while hugging but i was too nervous to actually response to his joke as bambam was looking at me the whole time.

"what is she doing here?" bambam asked coldly and what he said changed the atmosphere.

breaking the tension minnie replied "ah , isnt she in the thai liners? haha.." minne laughed nervously.

"ya bambam quit it! lets sit and eat , i havent ate the whole day" nickhun oppa said while ushering all of us to sit in our seats and its as if the universe is against me , bambam sat beside me.

As the three of them were talking about their possible upcoming comebacks , me and bambam kept quiet. It was possible he was quiet due to my sudden appearance while i was quiet due to nervousness.

Having some courage i decided to start a conversation " are you?" i asked softly.

bambam froze , maybe he didn't expected me trying to start a conversation but replied nonetheless "lisa , quit it. Just because we're in the same group of friends , doesn't mean we can get back our friendship. Don't you get it? I don't want our friendship lisa."

It took me awhile to comprehend his words but when it finally sunk in , i lost it. Tears started to slowly stream down my face , not wanting to be a mess infront of our friends as they are still unaware of what just happened, i quickly excused myself.

Going to the restroom , i quickly washed my face with water not wanting to show any sign that i just cried.

"lisa , stop! don't cry for him. If he doesn't want this friendship back than its fine! atleast you have tried!" i say to myself in the mirror.

is that really the bambam i grew up with?

shaking my head , i exited the bathroom but to only bumped into a muscular body and the same body spilled water all over me. i squealed "ah!"

"oh my god! im so sorry! are you okay?" that voice.

i looked up to see who had spilled water over me.

i gasped as Bangtan Sonyeondan one and only maknae looked at me worriedly.

Jeon Jungkook

Authors note :

Hello , i'm back from the dead. kidding , i just finished my exams and just recently got my results back and have been applying for college thats why i didnt update for a looooooong time. i bet yall missed me 🥺 but i have set a day where i will be updating every week. which is on the thursday! and mayb if im in a good mood there will be 2 updts , who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️

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