Mc getting hurt because of the RFA while arguing

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He was really stressed
Work was hard and his dad made him angry
Neither you could make him relax at the evening
So you just decided to be there for him and support him from afar with food, kisses and messages
One day Jumin had a really bad headache
You sat near the window and read a book it was really good but it would be better if your husband would read it to you
When Jumin came out of his room to make a break he couldn't find Elizabeth the 3rd
The window was open and guided directly to the garden
Jumin began to argue with you about being reckless
You told him that his cat was still in the house and couldn't get out
You would have seen her
But with his headache he was so pissed and everything came up, about the RFA, flirting with Zen. Then you shouted at him about feeling lonely
You wanted to go out but he wouldn't let you
He pushed you really lightly but you fell against the wardrobe
The huge wardrobe kipped almost on you
Jumin could react before you were under the wardrobe and saved you
Only your ankle was under the wardrobe but luckily you were safe
He was embarrassed. That was all his fault and he was so angry at himself
You began to cry because of the pain and shock
He called the security and a doctor came
While the doctor took care of you he and his staff cleaned the room
Jumin saw it - the cat.
His sweet kitty was hidden under the couch
He was so embarrassed by his mistake. You were right but he hadn't faith in you
The doctor said that the ankle was broken and you should rest for the time
He came to you and apologized to you
,,I'm sorry my love. I think I'm working too much..."
,,It's okay Jumin but please rest too...I can't take it anymore...I miss you"
You're criying now while he holds you to his chest
Jumin rested too, leaving the work to Jaehee poor Jaehee
Just to be there for you
He promised you to come home earlier and he held his word because you were the most important thing in his life


It was late as shit
almost 5 AM and Zen wasn't still hat home
he told you that he would come home later to drink with some friends and you as his manager said okay
but as girlfriend you were against it!
but before you could say anything your beautiful Zenny hung up the phone
so you waited and waited
he never came this late since you two were a couple now
something happened, you knew
right when you wanted to go out to search him he came home
he was drunk but could come home alone
you were angry
you asked him, how he came home and why he was so long out
he told you to chill your position in his life was ONLY the girlfriend, not the mommy
that's when you became angry
more?you cried and shouted he should search for a better girlfriend
of course you wouldn't leave him but since he was drunk you said that
but he got so angry that he threw the bottle at you
it was really dangerous but he threw wrong so you weren't hurt
but you stepped on the shards
your feet was cut and you could see the blood flowing out
Zen was alright now and saw what he did
he cried like a baby and ran to you
in bride style he took you to the bed
he was so sorry
you were so beautiful... he didn't wanted you to have a scar because of him
you tried to calm him down but he was just sad at his own behave
two weeks later you couldn't even see the cut
but Zen was sorry even if there was nothing
since that day he only wanted to touch alcoholic drinks if you were by him to stop him
he even stopped coming home so late
and this just for you, his little princess


you never had problems
you were on the best terms
but if there was something your little boy hated was, if somebody touched his stuff
he was a vet and well - you couldn't read his handwriting so sometimes you threw away some notes
but this time you really did nothing he couldn't find it
since it was the same dog as Rika once had it was really important to him to save the dog
but he couldn't find the note!
It had to be you
you threw it away. He was sure of it
you both ended up discussing
until he lost his nerve and the little sweet LOLOL boy slapped you
you were just so shocked!
he never used violence
everyone said that Yoosung was weak but in reality he is very strong
Your cheek became even blue!
You cried because of the pain
when Yoosung realized what he did he came to hug you
but because of the shock you rejected him
he was so sorry
he went out to buy something for you when he found his note in his pocket
that made the whole situation somehow bad
he cried when he came home again with chocolate and flowers
he kneed to you and begged you to forgive him
that's what you did.
you both now sat on the couch
he hugged you while you hold something to your cheek
,,did you find the note?''
,,äh... no but it's not so important. You're more...''
,,in your pocked, right?''


You were so pissed on Jaehee and she was pissed on you
you both closed the Coffee shop for today and started to fight
well you both couldn't remember anymore.
But then she took out her mobile phone and threw it at you!
And she even hit you!!
your eye!
You shrieked and hold your hand to your eye
It really hurted
Jaehee hold her mouth with her hands
She was soooo sorry!!
She cried and hugged you telling you she was sorry
Of course you accepted her excuse and hugged her back.
After all she helped you with so much you couldn't ignore her
The next day your eye was violet
It was really bad to work like that in the coffee shop but Jaehee couldn't but laugh at you.


He discussed with Saeran about something really dumb
But you knew both so you tried to help them
Saeran was happy that you tried to help him even if he didn't show his gratitude
But Saeyoung was so angry that he shouted at you
You talked about the RFA and V
You cried and shouted something like ,,If you hadn't met me, you would have lost your Brother so don't be an ass!!"
That's when you took a pillow and threw it at him to escape
He picked up the pillow and called your name once more to threw the pillow at you too
the only mistake of him was, that you were at the stairs
to escape the pillow you somehow lost balance and felt backwards
Saeyoungs bad mood was away thanks to you but when he couldn't hear you complain he got nervous and checket on you
he was so scared when you laid there unconscious
,,Saeran I killed my lover! My fiance!''he cried
But luckily you woke up a few minutes later
,,Whoah! My love took her back to life!''
he just kissed you and you both forgot about the discussion


To be honest, thanks to his past he promised to himself that he would never ever hurt the one he loved
his past was bad and he really wanted to kill Saeyoung but it was better now
whenever he felt depressed or angry he would go in his room and beat up the wardrobe
which looked really awful
this was a day like the others and he felt really bad
so instead of going to beat up the wardrobe he wanted to eat ice cream
since he loved ice cream
but somehow... it wasn't there
he got angry and started to shout at Saeyoung who tried to explain him that he never touched his ice cream
You came in and told them that you met Yoosung
but you saw that the mood was tense
so after they explained what happened you tried to tell him, that you ate his ice cream
Yoosung, who was afraid, whent behind You when he heard Saeran shout
you never discussed with him, you were the perfect couple but this time you actually forgot that he was Saeran
He went in his room and you walked behind him to talk about it
The only thing was that he didn't see that you were behind him
So when he wanted to close the door with too much strength, you got it right in the face
He was so sorry and the bad mood was away. He was just sorry for
Saeyoung laughed and Saeran wanted to kill him with his look
Blood was coming out of your nose but you didn't cry.
You knew that he was sorry so there was no need to let him feel even worse.


Well - it wasn't really because of him that you got hurt
But because he is blind
At this moment he wished he would have took the surgery.
You had a discussion about his health.
You talked about a dog so he would be save
But he didn't wanted.
You wanted to buy him a blind stock
But he refused
So you came up with Rika
Like - he wanted still something to remember her
V couldn't say anything because it wasn't true
But he couldn't do anything
You discussed really long
You went away and of course, he didn't noticed
So to calm down he wanted to break something.
He took his laptop mouse and threw it at the other side because he didn't wanted to hurt you
V would never be like Rika and hurt others
He would never use violence.
But since he was blind he threw it at you.
You shrieked and he knew - you caught it.
He apologized to you and you knew he didn't wanted to hurt you.
That's why you forgave him.
He gave up and in the end you bought a blind stock and even the dog.
And V was happy too

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