RFA + Saeran with a Banshee MC

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,,Mc! We will be late, my love!'' Jumin Han called you.
Like always, you were the last one who was getting ready.
You smiled at you husband, took his hand and followed him.
But, as soon as you were outside, you observed a car crush.
A car crushed with a motor bike.
Out of the blue, you couldn't control yourself anymore and began to scream like crazy, making the whole ground shake.
Jumin, who was still by your side, was terifed, what did you just do?
,,Mc, we need to hide!'' he snapped and hid you.
He was still shocked, your eyes scared him...and your scream, it was still echoing in his head.
,,Jumin...I know, this might be shocking for you, but I need to tell you, that I'm a Banshee....please, don't be afraid....'' you told him, while you began to cry.
,,What's a Banshee...?'' he asked you. That's so me
And that's how Jumin Han discovered your secret.
Since that day, Jumin tried his very best to get to know every detail about you....


,,AHHHHHH!'' you screamed when Zen was in the bath, preparing his long, silver hair.
But Zen quickly stopped after he heard your scream.
,,Mc...?''he asked you afterwards, when he realized, that all the mirrors and windows were destroyed.
,,My....poor mirror...'' he mumbled and looked at you.
You seemed angry but then your look quickly softened, tears slipped out of your eyes and you held your hands against your mouth.
,,Jagi....what happened?'' Zen asked you softly and approached you.
,,Don't...I'm a monster!'' you sobbed and looked around you.
,,I did it again...this....I don't want it anymore...'' you cried.
Zen didn't understand but late on you told him, that you were a Banshee and sometimes, you really had the urge to scream.
,,I uh...think that this is.....sexy...'' he whispered and kissed you, to calm you!


,,Yoosung....'' you mumbled.
,,Yeah, Mc?'' your husband asked you and looked at you with his red glasses.
,,I need to tell you something....'' you mumbled embarrassed.
Yoosung looked at you, his eyes looked into yours and waited for the notice you wanted to confess.
,,I'm....I'm..... a Ban-Banshee'' you trembled and looked at him.
Yoosung looked at you and in the next moment he began to laugh.
,,So funny....Now, what was the thing you wanted to tell me?'' he asked you once again, he didn't trust you.
,,I will show you...'' you told him.
And then, you began to scream.
Yoosung was so startled, that he couldn't prevent his ears to stay save.
The earth began to tremble, everything moved around and before you could destroy anything, you decided to stop.
,,What....the hell?'' Yoosung asked you scared.
,,I told you!'' you snapped.
Yoosung was shocked for a bit longer but, you knew that he still loved you.


To be honest, you decided to keep your secret till the end.
But, it didn't work, on the other side, everything went bad.
And so, you sat on the couch with Jaehee and talked about Banshee.
,,So...what's a Banshee?'' she asked you with a curious look and slipped at her coffee.
,,It's almost like Jaehee....'' she chuckled.
You knew, she said that, to make you less nervous.
And so you told her.
You told her everything, and she listened to you.
You talked three hours about that topic.
,,That means, I can't make you scream in the future?'' she smirked.
,,Jaehee!'' you slapped her and laughed


Saeyoung Choi was a real troublemaker.
And because of his bad joke, your nature was found out.
You screamed, you didn't remember the last time you screamed that loud, was it, at your best friend's death day?
Or, at the war you watched?
You don't remember, but you knew, that this scream was loud enough to make the ground shake, break the windows and all the mirrors you owned.
The Choi brothers looked at you, scared and puzzled.
You glared at Saeyoung and he, to defent himself pointed his gun at you.
,,Who are you?'' he asked you with a pokerface.
,,Your goddamned fiance. Don't do this again!'' you snapped and tried to calm yourself.
,,I don't have the ability to scream when a person dies anymore.'' you told them.
After that, Saeyoung tried his best to not make you scream anymore.
Not because he was a little bit scared, but because he didn't want you to remind these painful memories.


The two of you were standing in front of your savior
Saeran tried to help you, shield you.
But then Rika was ready to hurt you.
That's when you screamed, hurting her ears.
She looked at you, panic was written all over her face as the glass in her hand broke.
,,Ah...?'' she snapped and looked at you.
This time it was our turn to shield Saeran, and none and nothing would hold you back.
You knew, that Saeran stayed calm, because this was an emergency but you also knew, that at the end of this fight, you had to tell him a lot of things....

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