RFA + Saeran with a Mc who likes singing and writing

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and seems confident but isn't in truth


He just loved to hear your lovely voice which resembled an angel's one.
And he never stopped for a moment to read your stories.
He was also pretty happy to know that you knew how good you were.
He was proud that you could handle this.
Being confident is important too.
But when he found out that in the past a lot of people made things uneasy for you, he was angry.
This made him so sad that he wanted to encourage you even more. He wanted you to forget about this people.
He knew you better than anybody, you seemed strong but in the inside you were unsure.
That's why he was always ready to help you and to show you how good you actually are.


,,You're really good at singing!" Yoosung complimented you.
,,I know!" you answered and laughed.
,,Ahhh this confidence seems so Zen like...the two of you are really the perfect couple!" Seven laughed.
Zen was happy that the RFA also noticed that you belonged to him and that you were amazing.
But this happiness was quickly destroyed after he found you crying one day in front of the phone.
,,Princess, what happened?!" he asked you while you tried to answer him between hiccups.
When he just took your phone and read the comments below your latest post, he felt sick.
Comments like ugly bitch, you can't sing. How can you think that?! were there. Zen hugged you strongly and told you to not listen to them.
They were just jealous.
He was perhaps even more devastated than you and decided to intervene with his fandom. Yoosung
Your FanFicts about LOLOL were just the best.
He could read them the whole time.
To be honest he even did that...!
He was happy to see you so confident in the Internet because he knew what the social media could do with a person.
But even through he thought that you were pretty confident, he had to find out that you were always afraid.
At first, he thought you would ask him just to know his opinion.
But later on he found out that you just wanted to make sure, that it was nice.
Since then he always tried to convince you to be sure with what you post and whenever he discovered a mean comment, he told Seven to delete it and destroy the person!


It was like a lullaby for her to listen to your voice.
And she always made sure to tell you that.
And just the fact that you always nodded and showed her the high number of likes showed her that you were pretty confident about your voice on the social media.
But when you slowly stopped to sing or upload videos, she got worried.
,,Mc, what's happening?" she asked you one day.
,,Nothing...." you mumbled and looked away.
The fear that your voice wasn't good enough was eating you from the inside and she noticed.
She quickly took care of you and assured you, that your voice was the best and that you should try to ignore the people who didn't like it.


There was no way that someone could tell you bad things about your writing because he always filtered hate.
But he couldn't do anything about the fact that someone found out who you were and talked to you personally.
When you came home, devastated by the comment, Saeyoung quickly took revenge for you and hacked the person.
You still weren't feeling good but you were doing better and he encouraged you with fake likes....
,,Woah! Look! I think we should break up, I'm way too famous for you, Saeyoung!" you joked as you watched your likes.
,,Sure sure...."


You would always sing him lullabies whenever had problems to fall asleep.
He knew that the other believer were listening too but he still wanted to enjoy your voice.
But when the two of you heard what they said about your voice, you quickly stopped singing.
,,I will kill them!" he yelled when he noticed your hurt look.
But you still smiled at him and tried to assure him, that it was alright.
But he still couldn't give up.
At the end the two of you found out that they were just jealous and so you began to sing for everyone and forgot about the RFA....

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