RFA with a Forensics Pathologist MC

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,,Ah....'' you groaned as your phone went on.
,,What now?'' Jumin asked half asleep as you got up.
,,Someone died and I need to do my work.'' you explained and changed your clothes.
Of course, Jumin Han couldn't let go his wife alone at this hour.
,,But you need to stay back....'' you told him.
It was scary to see how his lovely wife examined a dead person but he was kind of proud.
Without you they wouldn't be able to catch the murder.


He got a new role, a forensics pathologist.
He often watched detective series but now that he got this role....
he just didn't know what to do.
,,Why don't you come with me today? You can see how I do things...I'm sure it's okay!'' you smiled at him and took his hand.
Even if the scene wasn't pleasant, he was amazed how good you actually were.
So professional, he was almost jealous that you touched so many people...
But he decided to stay serious.


You came home a bit later.
A headache was tormenting you and bad memories followed you.
,,Hot tea?'' Yoosung asked you and came back with a hot tea.
,,Want to tell me about?'' he asked you.
You knew, this job wasn't supposed to make you that puzzled.
,,A little girl drowned and I had to run tests on her....it was so horrible...'' you mumbled.
Yoosung just wanted to hug you, he knew this job wasn't easy but he also knew that you were strong...


You actually gave up this job to be with Jaehee.
She didn't knew that you had a stable job before but you told her how horrible it could be sometimes.
,,My mom was a forensics pathologist too. Now that I think about it, I just wanted to follow her dream, to be like her...'' you smiled at her.
,,It's okay for me to give up on it. I'm tired of the nightmares.''
She smiled at you and looked at old pictures of you.
She was actually happy about it ,,Are you allowed to tell me of some stories?''


,,Mc, you look sexy with that!'' Saeyoung told you as soon as he saw you.
,,Saeran is out, let's play, Doctor!''
,,I use this uniform to run tests on dead people and you want to play?'' you chuckled.
,,Oh, I forgot, take it off, it's also okay!''
You sat on his lap and whispered ,,I had to examined an old man, the whole day because the detectives needed the results as soon as possible, I'm the perfect murderer, I know every tricks...''
Okay, it was true that you weren't in the mood but that's why Saeyoung always tried to help you he knew how important you job was.

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