School,Friends,Bullies And Superpowers

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That,my friends is the sound of me hitting a locker after being thrown.Hard.

I staggered on my feet as I tried to stand straight.But a quick blow to the stomach sent me back to the ground.

As always,every tuesday I get pushed around by these guys for money,since they spent all of theirs for who-knows-what.

"you better have more money next time 'little prince' hahaha"Bryce said

An ugly kid he was.Ugly,but his muscles were built like tank armor.He loved beating people up for money,which made my life a whole lot better(hooray for sarcasm!)

"yeah loser"Tom added

He was basically his back up.He wasnt as bulk as Bryce,but he was equally mean and ugly.And for some reason,he always carried a taser.Its a good thing he doesnt use it often.

Oh and if you were wondering why Bryce called me 'little prince',it was because 'Regulus' meant 'little prince' or something.For some reason it became my nickname,though most people use it for mocking me.

"yeah,well you better pack a bigger punch next time,ogres"I mumbled.

I suppose they heard it since they smacked me on the face again.This time I was knocked out completely.


I awoke in the school infirmary.My face hurt alot,and so did my back.My best friend suddenly came up to me and said"oh,the sleeping beauty is awake! Except you arent a girl or are in any way beautiful"

"go to hell Connor"I grinned

Meet Connor Bolt.My bestfriend.If i'd describe him in one word,it would be "random".He's the type who'd do something random just because you ask him to.But he's a loyal friend,he'd never leave you behind...unless there's chicken.He's just a little shorter than I,black haired,baby faced and hates being called cute since he thinks he's being treated as a kid(which happens quite alot)

"you got beaten up again huh?"he asked

"yep,just like every tuesday"I sighed

he leaned on a wall and said"i wonder why everyone turns blind-eyed when someone gets bullied by them"

"Its probably because of fear"I replied non-chalantly

"maybe"he paused for a moment"you know dude,you could beat the absolute crap out of them if you fight back and use your ability"

I thought for a while.Oh how good would it feel if I beat the crap out of them and finally stop their reign of terror.But then again,that's just like stooping down to their level.

"nah"I answered"I'd rather fear,than be feared"

Connor grinned and said "you're too nice man"and sighed"well,its your body anyways..Feel free to become a human punching bag for the rest of your school life"he laughed

"it sounds depressing when you put it that way haha"I joked

"its almost science,so get up 'little prince'"he said and left the infirmary

"science huh?"I muttered"I wonder if it could explain my ability"I got up and started to walk to class.

Oh,my ability? Its the ability to absorb kinetic energy and dissapate it in an instant.

Its useful when someone throws a knife at you,like it doesnt pierce you,it just falls because it doesnt have any kinetic energy or when someone throws a dodgeball at you,it wouldnt bounce,it would just fall and it would be easier to catch it.

Pretty useful right?But ofcourse,there are downsides too.For example,I cant expel the stored kinetic energy.I cant give it a form that would affect people or things.Another thing is that,I cant absorb energy from an object that's continuously adding energy to the object.Like if someone is pushing me,i wouldnt be able to resist unless im stronger than that person.

Connor also thinks that I might be able to absorb different types of energy if I get enough practice.I'm still skeptic of that idea though.


When I entered the classroom,I saw that there was a different teacher.He was not our science teacher obviously,he was a little old and had grey hair.He had this thick stache too.He looked at me and said"Ahh,just in time Mr.- uhhh"

"Regulus"I continued

"ahh yes,right then,please take a seat,class is about to start"

I sat down in my seat,and asked Connor who was sitting infront of me"who's this guy?"

"Mr.Burton was absent,so this guy is our substitute teacher"he whispered

The substitute teacher cleared his throat and began to speak "I am Mr.Darlie.I will be your substitute teacher for today

Our topic will be a little different from what Mr.Burton had taught yesterday.Today,we will learn about Monsterology"

A series of whispers rang around the class

"Monsterology huh?"I muttered

As far as I know,it was the subject about monsters.The ones that appeared 23 years ago.The ones that drove us to hide behind walls.The ones that changed the world,forever.


Two chapters at once! *Gasp

When will I update? When I finish chapter 11(which is pretty soon)

Should you favourite this and tell your friends about this story? DEFINITELY

Thank you for deserve a cookie

Oh and uh,dont forget to read these pretty good stories(from mah friends ofcourse)

Something Beyond Thought(KatwinaAngewuh)

It Takes A Step(KatwinaAngewuh)

A Boy in Muscle Tees(Dreyoo)

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