The Chief

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We stopped infront of a door that said "The Head's Office".It was less fancy than I expected.It was just a normal,brown,wooden door."I thought for sure that this'd be more fancy"I said

"The chief doesnt like fancy things"Yuki said in a matter-of-fact way"he likes to keep things simple"

"from the rooms you showed me could have fooled me.."I joked and he just smiled at the remark

"well...shall we go in?"Joey asked,and I nodded.

When we got inside,I took a good look inside the room.It looked pretty normal.Striped wallpaper,two couches parrallel to each other,and a desk filled with papers and a laptop.It would have been normal except for the fact that the wall behind the desk was a  huge-ass screen that showed a puzzle piece with the word 'Enigma' under it.

From under the table,a guy,who was about in his early 40s suddenly appeared from under the desk.He smiled kindly and rubbed his head"sorry,I didnt hear you come in"

"uhh...its fine..what were you doing under the desk?"I asked

"I was picking the papers up"He said while waving the papers in his hand"Is he the little prince?"

"yep"Joey answered"its the real thing"

"Why am I called "little prince" even here?"I asked a little annoyed

The old guy leaned on his reclining chair and put his hands together"sit down and im going to ask you a question"

The three of us followed and sat at the nearest couch.The man then said"answer this,Miles...why do you think your name is unique? And why does it coincidentally mean 'little prince'?"

I didnt know how to answer and just muttered"ummm"

Head leaned forward and said"let me rephrase my question...why is Yuki's last name 'Kaminari' which coincidentally means 'lightning' in japanese? Why is Joey's last name related to the brightest season of the year?"

As he said this,I did think that it was wierd how their last names are somehow related to their abilities."I dont know"I admitted

"Are you aware of the fact that you dont look anything like your mother?"he asked

"Mom said that I got my looks from my father"I answered

"That...sadly is a lie"He said seriously

I suddenly felt my stomach drop.My head felt light headed.Yuki was looking down on the floor,and Joey was looking at sympathetically like she had been told of the same thing before."what?"I said in disbelief

The man took a deep breath and said "for now...I will give you the short version of the for the rest...I think you should ask your mom about that"

He took a deep breath and spoke"Miles,when you were a were stolen by a man named 'John Thatch'..He was once my friend..we were inseperable in anything that we did..until that day he stole you from your parents and performed the experiment"

"what 'experiment'?"I asked in a tone mixed between confusion and anger

"The experiment's goal was to see if people could survive the radiation that mutated nature..after a few tests on mice,we'd discovered that a certain kind of radiation enables the mice to a absorb certain kinds of energy,for example,electricity.

We then theorised that 'what if,we could absorb the source of the radiation and stop the animals from mutating?'

We then started tests on human adults.It was working at first.They were able to control various types of energy and develop a few other abilities.But after a few days..their health started to deteriorate until they died.

John then started to take a risk.He theorised that the reason the adults died is because their body was too complex and that it was already too mature for the body to adapt to the radiation.He said that if we tried it on infants,the body might be able to grow with the radiation.

Ofcourse,we thought that it was crazy.But then we heard of the news of the people near the explosion's danger zone that survived...we rounded up the data and we went with John's was a choice I know I should not have agreed with..but it was a neccesary evil."

"How many did you kidnap?"I asked,trying to contain my anger

He cringed at the word 'kidnap',then relaxed"twenty babies in total"

"All of them survived right?"I asked hopefully.

He lowered his head and said with a grim expression"No...only eight survived"

I was shocked to hear that I almost died..and I was even more sad when I heard that 11 inocent lives were taken"how could you sleep at night?"I asked angrily

He stood up and slammed his fist on his desk so hard that the papers flew,he looked at me with a hard expression and shouted"I HAVE NEVER HAD A SINGLE PEACEFUL NIGHT! If I could return the past and save those kids I would! Believe me,I would! The image of that room was burned to my brain..If..If everything was normal..if that explosion never came I'd never have to do that..."He looked as if he was about to cry

I was stunned ofcourse.I didnt think about how hard it might have been for him.

He took a deep breath and sat with his hands covering his face.

The four of us sat there in awkward silence.

The chief decided to break the silence by saying"This company...The Enigma..I built this place so that I could make it a safe haven for the 8 kids that survived"

"safe from what?"I asked

"John Thatch"he said darkly"he wants to recapture each one of you so he can make you go outside and go on a suicide mission to the explosion source and hopefully absorb it"

"You said that we can absorb different types of energy right? Why cant he get the only one that can absorb the radiation?"I asked.I didnt think of this question much until I heard how selfish I sounded.Sacrifice one for seven..

"Thats because he doesnt know which one of you can absorb radiation"He said..then his face suddenly got very serious"and when he finds out that none of you can absorb radiation..he will think nothing of you but a danger to society and eliminate you"

"why do you proctect us?"I asked curiously

"to repent for my sin"


Author's Notes: uwah..everything is probably going to get more serious from here(probably)

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You really do!

And as always,dont forget to read these great stories too!


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