High School! Four x Self harm!Reader

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time for the demons to control me

You head over to your locker. You open the door to it, and put your bag inside. You stay silent as you hear a familiar voice behind you.

"Y/N! What ya doin'?" You turn around to see Four, your nearest of friends and secret crush. You speak, "Just putting stuff in my locker, shouldn't you be in class?" He shrugged as if he doesn't know.

"Y/N... you've been, actin' odd for the past few days, somethin' wrong?" He asks you and walks closer to you, where your feet meet. You shake your head. "I'm fine! Really!" He glares at you like you've been lying, which you have.

But you've been trying to keep your confession secret. "Four. Please don't give me that look..." he stops cornering you and starts to walk off. "Hope you get better soon, Y/N!"

You fall to the ground, sweating and silently screaming. "I blew it!" You hear the school bell ring, so you get up and walk to class.

\( ̄<  ̄)>

You fast walk over to the female bathroom suspiciously. You head over to a stall and go in. Sitting on the toilet lid. You take out your pocket knife. Sighing goes out of your mouth as you unsleeve your arm and look at it for a while.

You hold onto the knife and push it to your arm, slitting it to reveal blood. You start to feel pain, and the feeling of guilt exits out of your body. You start to cut below the previous cut.

Soon enough, your arms are covered in cuts, and your eyes start to tear up. "He'll never like someone as stupid as me!" Finally you leave the stall and the bathrooms. You head off to your next class, History.

\( ̄<  ̄)>
Time skip to end off the day

You grab your stuff from your locker. As you close it, Four pins you again as like he's trying to get some bullshit out of you, which he is. "Y/N, tell me what's wrong." You look over and start to cover your face as you blush. "N-nothing, I'm fine!"

He unsleeves your sleeve to see the cuts on your arm. "Y/N... you're not okay, you've got cuts on your arms!" Soon enough, you cuddle Four, and start to sob. "I hic know! I did it since you only see hic me as a friend and nothing more! Just forget that I cut my arms hic because I'm a worthless no good friend hic of yours!" You cry as if you just did a crime. "Y/N..." Four just stood there.

He holds tight onto you. You look up and see his eye tear up. "I. I see you more of a friend, I understand what you did is wrong. And I forgive you, Y/N... I love you..." you both cuddled for a while.

Word count:

You guys r dating nOw ùwú

lol I did a bad

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