Vengeful spirit

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I walk through the halls and into the living room. I might have not been trying to see Aron, but someone I needed to see was in that room.

Before I had a chance to speak to them though, Aron smiled at me and waved me over. I sighed and walked over to him.

It was sort of weird, he had this strange glow about him and he seemed so happy, I just wasn't used to it.

"Well," I say, putting on a smile. "Do you like it here?" I ask. He thinks for a minute, before nodding.

"I like it more than that hell hole I called life." He chuckles a little. "I'm figuring out new things too. Turns it I can, as you know, turn invisible. I can also teleport, float, and pass through objects." He said excitedly. "It's like being my own kind of superhero."

"I also glow when I get angry, which is... concerning." I laugh a little at that.

"Alright, but yeah, I have two questions.
1. Who's the guy with the mask?" He said pointing at a certain demon sitting on the couch.

"He doesn't seem to want to talk to me." I laugh a bit.

"That's Kagekao. His first language is Japanese. He can speak english. I guess he just doesn't like you much yet. He's also a bit of a trickster, so watch out."  He nods.

"And my other question... what is this feeling?" He asked in a way that made me uncomfortable. I raise an eyebrow and laugh.

"Shouldn't you be Asking one of the boys that?" I ask jokingly. He pauses, trying to find out what I meant, before blushing.

"Not that!" He said, scrunching his nose up. "I mean this weird feeling. It's like...bloodlust...mixed with anger...mixed with something else I don't recognize." He said.

I close my eyes and think back to my middle school years, when I studied paranormal activity.

"Bloodlust...and anger..." I say. "Ooh, I know! You're a vengeful spirit, or at least something in that area."

"Well is there something hat will make me stop feeling this way? Because it's kinda painful." He said. I nod.

"Killing." I say. His eyes widen.

"No." He said, shaking his head. "You may be fine doing that, but I've never killed someone. And I'm not looking forward to starting." I shrug.

"If you wanna live here, you'll have to do it anyway. It's sort of like paying a fee, except you pay in murder and blood." I could almost feel a creepy smile tug at my face when I finished it.

Before he could say anything else, I quickly walk away.

"Bye Aron." I say as I walk over to who I meant to talk to in the first place.

"Hey, L.J. I need some help." I say as I tap the clown on the shoulder.

"Someone needs my help?" He said with a grin. "That's new. With what?" He asked as he faced me.

"Torture methods." I say.

He chuckles.

"You've come to the right guy."

Consumed By The Lens(Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now