Christmas Special - Mitch Rapp

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About: Mitch is out in an important mission and should be back right in time for Christmas but you receive some bad news, he won't be back until after new year.

              Y/n's P

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Y/n's P.O.V
don't want a lot for Christmas! There is just one thing I need..." I sing along to the radio while cracking the eggs into the batter. I'm making Christmas cookies for when Mitch gets home. He's been away for three weeks on a mission. I'm not really supposed to know too much about it but Mitch tells me what he can so I don't worry about him. He should be home today, from what I heard from his daily phone call. I'm so happy to have him home, after a longer mission like this he gets a lot of time off so that's amazing. I carry on belting out the lyrics to the Mariah Carey song while finishing making the cookies. I have to put them in the oven for half an hour, so I have some time to read my Christmas book. I'm about halfway into Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I do this every year, I start reading the Harry Potter series at the beginning of December so I can finish by new year. I usually drag Mitch into my traditions and make him read with me. He claims he hates it but I've seen him getting into the story. I'm up to the part where Harry and Hermione go back in time when the egg timer goes off. As I walk into the kitchen the smell of cinnamon hits me like a wave. I squeal in excitement as I take them out of the oven, they look so good! I'm so excited for Christmas and having Mitch back home. As well as decorating these cookies. I'm so tempted to do them now but I always wait for Mitch to do that. They still need to cool down so I leave them on the side to carry on with my book. When he gets home it'll finally feel like Christmas.

It starts to get late and I'm starting to wonder where Mitch is. Worries start to fill my head. What if something happened on the mission and he got hurt? Or worse, killed? I jump when my phone rings. I pick it up instantly, praying it won't be bad news about Mitch. "Hello? Is he ok?" I rush through my sentence. I hear a familiar chuckle that puts my mind at rest. "Don't worry babe I'm fine." "Don't laugh! Your late and I started to worry." "Yeah about that..." Mitch's voice goes quiet like he's about to tell me bad news. "What is it babe?" "Something went wrong in the mission. I'm fine but I need to stay here for longer." I understand that things can go wrong on a mission and they might need to stay a bit longer but he's holding something back, I can tell. "How much longer?" He lets out a sigh. I can picture him now running his hand through his hair sitting on the edge of a hotel bed. "I won't be back till after new year." "What?!" "I'm sorry Y/n." He sounds really upset. I didn't mean it to sound like I was angry at him. I'm just upset. "No. No Mitch don't be sorry. It's out of your control. I'll just miss you so much. But I know you'll get the mission done and save people in the process. I'm so proud of you for fighting for the right thing and I know you'll come home to me at the end and we can celebrate the holidays when you get back." I hold back my tears because I don't want him to hear me cry and feel bad. "Hey I wish I was home for the holidays with you but you know when I come back I'll have extra long time off to spend with my best girl." I chuckle at the nickname he gives me, just like Steve Rogers and Peggy. "Of course. Well I just made cookies so that means I can eat them all." "What! No. You better make some more for me when I get home." I loved that Mitch could be silly with me, he isn't like that to anyone else. I let out a half-hearted laugh and make a deal with him. "I have to go but I'll call you again tomorrow ok?" "Yeah same time tomorrow." "I love you." "And I love you." I smile at the thought of him saying he loves me, even if it isn't the first time, and hang up. Tears start to fill my eyes and fall down my face. I love Mitch so much and I'm proud of him for his job but it's hard to be apart from him. I have a good cry for 10 minuets before picking myself up and deciding to decorate the cookies. I put the radio on to cheer me up and it works. Within a few minutes I'm singing and dancing in the kitchen. I dance throughout the house and take a good look at the decorations remembering the day me and Mitch putting them up. It was so fun. At one point I fell off the step ladder and Mitch caught me and spun me around in his arms. He kept leaning in and then moving away. I got tired of his teasing after a while and pull his face to mine for a kiss. It being his last day we didn't want to spend a moment without each other.

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