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  December 1st, 2012, 8:00pm
Zach is 19 years old

Zach smiled at his boyfriend Alex while holding his newborn daughter. He's able to get pregnant and have kids of his own.

Zach stands up, cradling his tiny daughter and walked to her room down the hallway. Alex stood watching with anger.

He never wanted a baby. He hates children. But he made the decision to not use a condom. But Zach never told him that he can get pregnant. 

Zach comes out a minute later. Alex puts his poker face on and brings Zach in a short kiss then a hug.

Zach cuddled into his boyfriend not knowing about Alex's feelings of the baby. "Lets go to bed babe maybe do a few other things" Alex winked.

"Alex Im still sore from having  Charlotte" Zach frowned, upset that he cant please his boyfriend.

"But Zach Ive been waiting since the beginning of your pregnancy" He said, Emphasizing the word pregnancy.

"Im sorry babe, Really I am" Zach apologized. Alex rolled his eyes angrily.

"Sleep on the floor tonight in That things room" Alex pushed Zach towards their daughters room.

"Hey! Alex stop Im sorry!" Zach pleaded, Trying to get out of Alex's grip. "And what do you mean 'thing' Shes our daughter!" He cried.

"I never wanted a baby or a child. They are awful creatures that dont deserve to live!" Alex yelled. Zach cried.


"No I want you gone by the time I get back from work"



"Her name is Charlotte" Zach whispered and Alex glared at him.

"What did you just say?" The 20 year old growled. Zach shook in fear.

"I-I said her name is Charlotte" Zach whimpered. Alex slapped him. Zach gasped and walked in his babys room.

"Im so sorry Lottie. Im such a terrible father I cant believe this" Zach cried and looked around. Tears fell as he felt guilty and awful.

December 2nd, 2012, 12am

Zach ran to his best friend, Arielle's house. She lives in an apartment with her boyfriend named Freddie. He knocked on the door frantically looking around.

Alex went to work at 7 in the morning. But Zach was beyond nervous. The door opened and Arielle rubbed her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

    "Zach? What are you doing here?" She asked. Zach looked at her and she immediately moved to the side to let him in. She shut the door behind them and followed the younger.

"Zach what happened? Are you okay!?" She worriedly asked. Zach set the baby carrier on the coffee table and the 20 year old girl held him in her arms as he sobbed.

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