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   The desk organization in Corbyns classroom^ if you read it before it was unpublished I just wanted to make it longer sorry


    I follow Mrs. P to the desk she has me sit in. I look around and seen the desks all in groups of four and they had names on them. Mrs. P has dark brown hair that goes down a little past her shoulders, warm brown eyes and a nice smile.

     She is wearing black dress pants with a white shirt that has pink and teal accents in it. She was tall too. Anyways she guided me around and showed me where everything was. 

     I nodded and listened to everything. I dont want to get in trouble. She turns to me and squats down and I only have to look down a little bit.

    "Corbyn if you ever need anyone to talk to in school Im always gonna be here to listen alright?" She asked and I nodded. She smiled and rubbed my arm. She let go and stood up.

    "Go find your seat hun kids will be in here any minute" She softly said and I nodded looking around. Once I found it I sat down and looked at the other names.

Christina Harris
Cassiopia Darrix
Aries Lombrozo

   Great I have three people I dont know. Although why would I know them? The only school Ive been to was the classroom in the orphanage. Daddy said to make friends but its hard for me. But I dont want to let him down. The door opened and a boy walked in.

     He walked in and looked around. He was very good looking if Im being honest. His green eyes met my blue ones and he smiled he walked over and I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans.

    I think I have something called social anxiety. Thats what Ms. Collyns told me since I was always in my room readimg and drawing and listening to music. He looked at the names and sat in a seat.

    "Hi my name is Aries" He smiled with a bright smile. I smiled nervously.

    "Mines Corbyn" I whispered and he smiled.

    "You're shy arent you?" He asked.

   "I have social Anxiety"

   "Whats that? Is it something to do with talking?" He asked and I nodded.

   "It means something like that yeah" I say and he nodded. More kids walked in and a girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

   She was pretty too. She walked over and sat at the desk.

   "Hi Im Aries and this is Corbyn whats your name?"

   "Cassiopeia but you can call me anything you want as long as its nice and not mean" She said happily. Her name is something new and I like it.

    Another beautiful girl walked in shyly and sat next to me. I smiled at her trying to be her friend.

    "Hey whats your name?" I asked and Christina shrugged. "Its Christina right?" I asked and she nodded. Everyone else in the class walked in and sat in their seats.

     "Alrighty class, welcome to 3rd grade! My name is Mrs. Passalaqua but if you have a hard time pronouncing it then just call me Mrs. P" I looked down at my lap.

    "Now since you all have 3 desk partners I will give you an hour of getting to know them. Go ahead!" She said and everyone started talking to the desk partners.

    "So does anyone have any siblings?" Aries asked. I smiled thinking of Daniel and Jonah.

    "I have an older brother and sister. Kamery is 16 years old and Henry is 18" Cassie says and Aries gasps.

    "My older sister Paige is 18 too! Shes my only sibling" Aries said happily.

    "What about you two?" Cassie asked.

   "Um.. I have an older brother named Jimmy" Christina whispered.

    "I have two little brothers, Daniel is 5 years old and Jonah is 1 years old" I smiled.

    "Awe you have younger siblings lucky!" Cassie and Aries whined. I giggled.

    "Older siblings are annoying" Aries crossed his arms angrily.

   "I am not annoying though" I say and Aries shakes his head no.

   "You're cool though Paige is annoying! always hogging the bathroom and always picking on me" He complained.

    "me and Henry are close and me and Kammy are close but not very close" Cassie says.

    "Me and Jimmy are close" Christina says quietly.

    "Me and my brothers are very close" I said and they smiled.

    "So who are your parents?" Cassie asked. "My parents are divorced and I have to go to my moms one week which Henry lives with and my dads the next week which is where Kamery lives" She explained.

  "My mom and dad are divorced too but I only live with my dad. my mom doesnt get to keep me and Paige for some reason" Aries says shrugging.

    "I live with both my mom and dad and my brother and my puppy" Chris says.

    "I want a puppy!" Cassie happily says.

   "Me and My brothers want kittys " I speak and they all looked at me.

    "Can we hang out with you after school today?!" Cassie asked and Aries nodded.

    "I'll have to ask my daddy" I say and they nod.

   "Where's your mom?" Chris asked and I shrugged keeping my eyes glued to the desk.

    "I dont know. Me and my brothers were adopted. We have two daddys and I love them more than my real mommy and daddy" I shivered thinking about them.

    "We're sorry for asking Corbs" Aries apologized.

    "S'okay its life" I shrug and looked at Chrissy and her big brown eyes are looking into my blue ones.

   "are you okay?" She asked me and I nodded.

   We talked about going to my house and what we would do if they can go.

    "Alright so since you guys hopefully are friends now we will be doing a craft together So what you will be doing is I'll pass out pieces of paper to your tables and you will pick one person from your group and write about them. On the back there will be a blank page and you will do your best to draw them" She walked over to a table off to the side and grabbed a small neat stack of papers.

    "Theres pencils and crayons and colored pencil and stuff on the storage thing at your desks you will use" She said passing out the papers. "Go!" She said once she was done and walked back to her desk.

    I looked back at my new friends. "So I was thinking Corbyn and Christina and me and cassie since we are next to each other" Aries suggests and we all agree.

    I wrote Christina's name down where it says partner and write my name. Its weird writing down Corbyn Avery now though. I looked at the questions and looked at Chrissy.

    "So we already know each others siblings so we dont have to ask" I say say writing Jimmy Harris down. She wrote down Daniel and Jonahs names.

   "Alright whats your favorite color?" I asked looking at her.

   "Like a sunset orange and pink" She answered and I nodded.

    "Those are pretty colors" I say and she smiled. I wrote them down and she asked me the same question.

    "Mines like my brothers eyes, crystal blue" I smiled and pictured Daniels eyes. They were a beautiful color.

   We did more questions and answers and talked to Cassie and Aries occasionally. I really did make friends. The main thing is, is that I made friends that will be coming over to my house today. That makes me happy because I didnt let daddy down.


     Next chapter will be some of Daniels school day

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