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     Myta drove to Corbyns school after buckling Jonah into the carseat she had for him and buckling herself in.

    Corbyn was confused as ever when Mrs. Passalaqua told him his grandmother would be picking him up that afternoon. So when he seen her he ran up to her.

    "Whats going on?" He asked Myta. Myta sadly smiled and motioned to the car. He held her hand as they walked to her car. Once they were in and buckled up she drove to Daniels school.

    "Is everything thing alright?" Corbyn asked once again. Myta wiped a tear off her face and nodded.

    "Everything's okay" She replied with sadness laced through her voice. Corbyn frowned seeing his Grandma upset but nodded.

    She parked the car and got out, getting Jonah out from his carseat. Corbyn held onto her hand trying to comfort her the best he could.

   Daniel ran up to the three and hugged Mytas legs.

    "Hi Nani!" He yelled causing a smile to touch Mytas lips.

    "Why are you picking us up and not Daddy?" Daniel asked confused.

    "I'll tell you guys when we get back to my house okay?" She said and Daniel nodded grabbing her hand. Corbyn grabbed onto the back of her sweater as they walked to the car again.


     "Okay so listen carefully alright?" Myta said and the two boys nodded.

    Josh came and sat down next to his wife and rubbed her shoulder.

    "Your daddy can get pregnant and have babies just like mommies can" Myta started.

    "Is daddy okay? Is he pregnant" Corbyn asked smiling a bit.

   "No but he was 7 years ago. He was in a relationship before your daddy was with your papa. His boyfriends name was Alex and he was a very rude man. He got your Daddy pregnant and was hurting him" Josh explained.

    "Your daddy is at the hospital with your sister" Myta said and watched the boys faces light up happily.

   "We have a sister!" Corbyn yelled and jumped around with Daniel. The married couple watch as their grandchildren jumped around excidedly.

    "Boys come back we aren't done yet" Josh said and the two bounced over to the couch and sat down look at Myta and Josh.

    "Her name is Charolette and shes 7 years old. But when you meet her she will not be..... Like you guys" Daniel looked at his Nani confused.

    "What do you mean?" He asked and placed his hands in his lap.

    "Well you see she was kidnapped and hurt so she wont feel safe because she was missing for 4 years" Myta explained and horror passed through the boys faces.

     "Is she okay!?" Daniel asked frightened. Myta and Josh nodded.

     "Yeah she's okay your daddy called me and told me everything. She's just gonna be scared around people for a while" Josh explained and Daniel nodded.


     Zach sat down in the chair next to the hospital bed after Doctor Rosy left the room. Charolette looked around the room scared.

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