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    Zach awoke to his alarm ringing in his ears. He groaned and grabbed his phone, turning off the alarm. He laid there for a couple minutes going through youtube before getting up.

   It was 3 months later. Today was thursday which meant a school day.

     He walked into Corbyns room first and seen the boy sleeping peacefully. The father smiled and walked over, rubbing Corbyn's back.

        "Bean wake up buddy" Zach said and Corbyn groaned just like Zach before opening his eyes.

     "Morning bean. Go get dressed while I get Daniel and Lottie okay?" Corbyn nodded and Zach walked out, shutting the door behind him.

    The older man walked to Daniel's bedroom door first knowing he'll already be awake. Proving his point, when he opened the door, Daniel was struggling with his shirt, his head in an arm hole.

    "Need help?" He asked his son who nodded... well tried to anyway. Once his shirt was on the boy sighed in relief. Zach chuckled and left the room.

     Once in Charolettes room He could hear sniffles and winces of pain. He seen her shaking and her arm moving. Zach ran over to his daughter and touched her shoulder gently.

     Lottie froze and her tears fell harder.

    "Baby what are you doing!? Are you okay!?" He frantically asked and gasped once seeing the scratch marks and burns from them.

    "I-I am so uncomfortable daddy!" She cried in her pillow. "It all feels wrong! I feel gross and disgusting!" She sobbed.

    Saying that her father was in shock is an understatement.

     You aren't going to school today. I'm going to take the boys to school and we can talk all about whatever is going on okay bunny?" She nodded and he left a lingering kiss on the crown of her head. "I love you so much Lottie"

    He left the room and seen Daniel and Corbyn at the door worried and confused.

   "Is Sissy okay?" Daniel asked and Zach bent down to their height.

     "She's just really upset at the moment so she won't be going to school today. But let's get some food in your bellies okay? Today Christinas mom is going to be dropping you guys off" The boys nodded and Daniel hugged Zach.


      "What's wrong Bunny?" Zach asked his daughter, rubbing her back.

    "My hair is way too long and feels uncomfy and so are my clothes. It feels wrong to have girl parts and I just wanna get rid of them!" She sobbed. When Zach went to touch her shoulder she flinched and backed away.

    Zach was upset about that move but let it go, knowing she was hurting.

    "Well we can get that changed. Let's go shopping and get you a haircut. You're okay. We'll even get your name changed okay?" Charlotte looked up, surprised.

    "Really? I can change into a boy? You'll let me?" She asked and Zach nodded.

    "I want you to be as comfy as possible in your body. When I found out that I was gay I was petrified. I didn't feel comfy in my body until I met your papa. (Jack not Alex btw) He made me feel better and eventually we were together. He makes me happy. Makes all my anxiety and sadness go away. I want to make you comfy so come on. Get dressed and meet me downstairs while I go and get Jonah ready okay?"

   Zach walked out smiling to himself. Walking into Jonah's room, He seen the baby asleep and cuddling his stuffie.

    "Wakey wakey baby!" Zach said and Jonah squirmed around before opening his eyes.  He smiled and showed off his front, top and bottom teeth.

  "Hey baby boy!" Zach cooed while picking his youngest up. Jonah giggled and kissed Zach's cheek.

    "Thank you!" Zach cooed and laid the baby on the changing table after gathering up an outfit for his son.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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