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Jacks POV (kinda liking it) Another week later

    Jack was in uniform and holding his gun. Mack was beside him, a gun in hand as well. They were in war again being slightly protected by a low wall.

    Bullets were flying through the air and hit some bodies Those bodies were quickly dragged or carried out and towards the makeshift infirmaries. Jack was beyond terrified but buried the feeling in the back of his mind and fought for peace. 

   As Mack was beside him, reloading his gun he was shot in his shoulder. Jack watched in his peripheral vision as his great friend collapsed unconscious.

    A team of medical workers, rushed the elderly man off the battlefield on a stretcher. Jack shocked several people that day. His side knew he hated killing or hurting anybody. But all he was seeing was red.

   Mack had known Jack and Zach since the two were born. Jack didnt want to lose his guardian. He's already lost his father. He can't lose anyone else.

<<< >>>

  Jack quickly opened his laptop and pulled up the app skype. He was shaking, making it hard to scroll to the contact he was looking for.

    Once he finally clicked on it he let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding in. He wiped his eyes, trying to rid off the tears streaming down them. He felt horrible.

   "Hey Ba- Jack whats going on!? Are you okay!?" Zach franticallyasked setting the laptop on the coffee table.

    "Wheres the boys?" Jack asked and Zach frowned.

  "Corbyn and Daniel are at school and Jonahs down for a nap why? You're worrying me Mi amore" Zach said looking at his man in the screen.

    Jack looked around his small tent and grabbed the ring that Mack got him a while back. Jack said it was like a goodluck charm for Jack. It has always worked for him.

    "M-Mack" Jack paused to take another breath

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    "M-Mack" Jack paused to take another breath. Zach frowned, feeling his heart drop. "H-he was shot i-in his shoulder. I- I dont know if he's okay!" Jack sobbed.

   Zach wanted so badly to hop through the screen and hold his husband and help him through it. But he cant. This is real life not a fairytale.

    "Then g-go check on him babe" Zach tried to stay calm about the situation but it was hard. Jack shook his head and wiped his cheeks.

  "I will when I'm able too. But right now I wanna talk to you" Jack sniffled calming down.

   "That's okay Jack. I would rather talk to you and know you're okay than for you to hang up and I won't know if you're okay" Zach softly said smiling sadly.

    Jack and Zach kept conversation through the screens. Zach spaced out quite a bit, looking to his left. Jack didn't want to worry about it or assume things so he didnt say anything.

   "Baby who are you with?" The curly headed man asked once Zach was looking to his left again. A smile appeared on the man face and frightened Jack.

   What if Zach was cheating on him? What if Zach was happier with the other man.

    "Remember that little pointless argument we had on my birthday?" Zach asked. Jack nodded. He was starting to assume the worst.

    "Yeah I do Zach. It destroyed me" Jack frowned feeling his lower lip wobble slightly.

    "Well after I hung up on you - Which I am so so sorry about by the way- I got a phone call. They found her Babe they finally found my baby!" Zach exclaimed excidedly.

    Jack gasped as his mouth hung open. He has also been waiting for the phone call for when Lottie would be found. Even though he's only met the girl once, 5 years ago.

  "Really!? Are you serious!? They finally found her after this long!?" Jack said with a fresh batch of tears running down his cheeks.

     "Yes! She's right next to me and she's grown so much Jack. She's now 7. She's so beautiful" Zach gushed and Lottie smiled a bit.

  "Is it okay if I can see her?" Jack asked lightly. Zach turned towards his young daughter. Charolette nodded and Zach turned the camera towards the girl.

     "Oh my goodness gracious! You've grown so much Lottie" Jack said surprised. "You still look as beautiful as the day I met you for the first time" Lottie blushed at the compliment and smiled.

   "Thank you Jack" She whispered. He smiled over joyed to hear her honey sweet voice again.

Lottie, 7


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