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Keadaan dalam bilik disiplin sunyi tetapi aura di dalamnya sangat lah tegang. Lelaki yang ditangkap tadi dijeling tajam oleh semua orang. Liyana memandang lelaki itu dengan lengan disilangkan ke dada.

"Aren't you guys going to start talking?"ujar lelaki itu yang berasa kurang selesa dengan pandangan mereka semua.

"Tell me your name,"pinta Liyana. Lelaki itu tidak menjawab.

"If you don't answer me, this staring competition will continue until tomorrow,"ujar Liyana.

"Okay fine, geez. My name is Izzat, Izzat Akmal,"kata Izzat.

"Lah melayu ke? Rupa macam chinese,"komen Rayyan.

"Rayyan, don't be racist,"nasihat Phillips seperti seorang ibu. Rayyan tersengih macam kerang busuk.

"Kau dari sekolah ni ke?"soal Zakwan. Izzat mengangguk kepala.

"Kau ke yang selama ni letak dadah dalam stor sukan tu?"tanya Liyana pula. Izzat mengangguk perlahan.

"Why?"soal Rayyan. Izzat mengeluh.

"It's complicated. Aku just nak jadikan sekolah ni sebagai tempat penyimpanan. Tapi serius aku takde niat pun nak edarkan dadah kepada pelajar ReInHi,"ujar Izzat.

"Tapi kau simpan dadah di sini supaya kalau kau tertangkap nanti, ReInHi akan dipersalahkan since dadah tu dijumpai di ReInHi. Betul tak?"kata Liyana. Izzat memaparkan reaksi kagum dengan spekulasi Liyana.

"You've figured it out already huh?"ujar Izzat sambil tersenyum nipis.

"It's not that hard to figured it out. Now what should we do with you?"kata Liyana.

"Just hand him over to Madam Julia. That was her order right?"ujar Akid.

"Yeah, and then she's going to hand him to the police after that,"tutur Rayyan.

"Wait, please don't let the police get involve. I promise I will remove all the drugs. I'm okay with being expelled from ReInHi,"kata Izzat sambil menggelengkan kepalanya.

"Kalau dah buat jenayah tu, kenalah tanggung hukumannya,"ujar Akid.

"Please don't, kitorang janji kitorang takkan mess with ReInHi anymore,"rayu Izzat.

"Kitorang?"kata Liyana dengan dahi berkerut. Izzat menutup mulutnya apabila menyedari keceluparannya.

"There's more people involve in this case?"soal Zakwan.

"Who is it?"soal Liyana. Izzat tidak menjawab.

"Tell me or I'm going to hand you over to the police straight away,"ugut Liyana.

"Okay fine, I'll tell you. It's my brother, happy?"jawab Izzat.

"Tell me more,"pinta Liyana. Izzat mengeluh kuat.

"He had been working with a group of gangster who sell drugs. He was a part of the group and he is one of the leader there. Tapi dia buat semua ni untuk biayai aku. We've lost our parent five years ago.

Since then, my brother has been the one who provide everything for me. He don't want me to end up like him. So I beg you, please don't involve my brother in this. Biar lah aku tanggung semua hukuman sendiri,"jelas Izzat. Liyana memandang Izzat dengan pandangan biasa.

"No matter what the reason is, if it's because of revenge, fun or try to survive in this world, a crime is still a crime,"ujar Liyana.

"I know, but we have no choice,"

"There's always other choices, you just didn't look harder for it,"komen Liyana. Izzat menundukkan kepalanya.

"Tell me, did you take drugs?"soal Liyana. Izzat teragak-agak ingin menjawab.

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