v2 period

25 1 0

written same day as before
wish i wrote this one into a series


xxx-xxx-xxxx (4:55pm)
[image attached]
here u go baby ;)

me (4:57pm)
what the fuck
is that you tyler joseph

xxx (4:57pm)
wait.. did i get the wrong number
this is the guy from snapchat right....

me (5:00pm)
uh definitely not but i know i've seen you before i'm pretty sure you go to my school

xxx (5:00pm)
please forget u ever saw me n this ok
just pretend i dont exist at school bye

me (5:02pm)
listen it's not a bad dick dont even worry dude i got you

tyler (5:03pm)
actually that really made me feel better
who even are u lol

me (5:03pm)
josh dun, we have a lot of classes together
i don't think you notice me though? which is weird because we have five periods together?

tyler (5:05pm)
haha ur joking right
i dont even know who u are send me a pic
whichever u send is ur choice ;)

me (5:08pm)
wow you really are as fuckboy-y and douchey as they say! i'm definitely surprised.
[image attached]

tyler (5:08pm)
jesus you are hot ur fucking adorable
how havent i seen u ur hair looks so noticable

me (5:10pm)
uhhh thanks i guess
i don't know you kind of only pay attention to your weird jock friends?

tyler (5:11pm)
u right
hey we should hang out if u know what i mean haha
the guy i was gonna fuck bailed on me soooo

me (5:15pm)
honestly i had no idea you were gay until just today but sure

tyler (5:15pm)
so i guess the rainbow suspenders n hats n shirts n hoodies mean nothing to u
also im bi

me (5:16pm)
legit i thought you were mocking gay people whoops

tyler (5:20pm)
def not im gay as fuck
anyways heres my address see u soon baby ;)
[insert address here??]

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