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Lisa's POV

I rushed through the halls of the school, not minding if I bump at someone. I reached the gate while panting. "Hey, Lisa! What's with all the running?" Jisoo spoke while walking towards my direction with Chaeyoung at her back. "I need to go to the park early." I said and smiled widely. "Why? Does Jennie knew you're coming early?" Chaeyoung asked. And there, I forgot about asking Jennie. I quickly searched for my phone and texted Jennie.

[To: Nini]

I'm coming earlier than usual at the park. See ya ;)

I tapped the send button and sighed. "So what's up?" Jisoo asked while raising her left brow. I scratched my nape before answearing, "Uh, wondering why I came home late last night?" I said shyly while looking down. "Yeah, Dad scolded me because he thought that we fought and you fucking ran away. He told me that I didn't took a good care of you, piece of shit." Jisoo said while greeting her teeth in anger. "Sorry about that, but what's important is I got home safe and sound, right? Well, before going home straight, I went to a shop and bought some necklace." I said while slowly looking up and smiled apologetically at Jisoo. She looked at me with half-opened eyes. "For whom? Jennie?" She said and I nodded. "Wow, sweet." Chaeyoung smiled at me. "Are you going home, unnie?" I asked Jisoo and she nodded. "Can you please carry this with you? I'll go straight at the park." I said and lifted my bag, she grabbed it hastily and said; "Give me five bucks when you go home." She pulled Rosé with her and walked out of the school.

(A/N: If you want to feel what Lisa's feeling in this part, play any sad song).

I ran to the park, feeling excited. I was already imagining Jennie's reaction if I'll give her this. My smile never leave my face until I reached the park. I was panting while sitting at our bench. After my breathing went normal, I checked the time and it's 6PM already. I patiently waited for her. I distracted myself from being bored by watching the kids playing and humming any song. I checked the time again and it's 6:30 already but there's no sign of Jennie.

[To: Nini]

What's taking you so long?

Are you okay?

Do you want me to pick you up?

Jennie, I'm getting worried.

I bombarded her with texts, I was getting worried and worried at her. I felt my phone beep.

[From: Nini]

Don't worry about me. I'm fine.

She finally replied that made me sigh in relief.

Minutes passed, but still, no Jennie. "Maybe she's doing something." I said, convincing myself. The sky turned into grayish, it seems like it's going to rain and I don't have any umbrella.

I still waited and waited, people are starting to leave the park because it's going to rain. "Jennie, where are you?" I mumble to myself. I sighed, I don't want to leave, maybe Jennie will show up in any minute and I want to give her this necklace. I stared at the necklace. The pendant is a merry-go-round and I think that represents park or carnival so I chose it.

I felt something dropped in my head and when I looked up, small drops of rain are wetting my hair.

The rain was pouring hard and I was already soaking wet.

Where are you, Jennie?

I continuesly ask that in my mind. I didn't notice that a tear already escaped my eye. I quickly wiped it away but it's no use. I swallowed the knot in my throat.

Where are you?

Why didn't you came?

I sobbed silently. I didn't know this would happen. Jennie always came here earlier than me then why the hell she didn't show up? I felt my heart was stabbed. I just don't know why and It was kind of unexpected that she didn't came.

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