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this is a looooooooong ass chapter just for yall.

***trigger warning has been administered***

Roselyn POV

"The Devil." 

Or more commonly known among his allies, Daniel Marcovich. More like Marcobitch if you ask me. There was once a time when i wanted to become a Marcovitch. That time has gone. 

"Honey," Callie grabs my hand and Luca looks worried, "we can't help you if you don't tell us whats going on."

I wiggle my hand out of her grasp, "I didn't ask for your help." Both of their faces straighten and Callie gives me a cold look.

"Look here child, I dont know what has happened to you or who you think i am, but i can assure you that ive been through just as much, or more shit than you. I can also assure you that i will help you if you'll let me because unlike you, i have people at my back who have more power in their pinky than whoever the hell your running from." She stood up from her chair and slammed her hand on the table and looked at me with a fierce glare only rivaled by the gods. "now tell. me. who. the crap i need. to. kill!" 

I was shocked to say the least.  these people have known me for what, 8 hours, and they already care more about me than my own family. But i cant help but think they are doing this for their own gain. I mean who doesnt these days. Everybody only cares about themselves these days and i hate to think im doing the same. I used to care about everyone else and i would do things just to make someone else happy, even at the cost of my own. But everything has changed, and now i know that im on my own. 

but i'll take whatever help that i can get. "are you sure about this callie? i dont think you know what your up against."

Luca rolls his eyes and says, "Ragazza, i dont think you know who we are. i am a Duca (duke) of the Phantom Riders. we hail from our homeland Italia where we have reigned undefeated for centuries. We rule this land with our Re (king), Benjamin Renero, the Black King. What makes you think we haven't seen it all. what makes you think we haven't beat it all. Sei solo stupido a questo punto (you are just being stupid at this point)." That asshole is their king?! shit.

I have a feeling he just insulted me at the end there. "Ok. but how do i know that i can trust you?" i raise my eyebrow and almost instantaneously, callie rolls her eyes and groans in annoyance.

"lady, if you still can't trust me then i dont know what ya problem is but one thing is for sure. you have issues!" no shit, sherlock. "look, from the bottom of my heart, im just trying to help you. i've been where you are, so i know how hard it is to trust people. but please, let me help you." dammit. this woman will be the end of me. 

"fine. but you say no words to anyone about any of this. do you hear me?!" they rolled their eyes at me and nodded. jeez what is it with everyone in this town and their rolling of the yes? "I grew up in Salisbury, Britain with -"

"Oh my good golly. that's where you get your accent from! im from texas!" i glare at her. 

"do you want me to tell you the things or not? Because i would gladly eat my meal and be on my giddy way." Her eyes widen and she ushers me to continue. "I grew up in Salisbury with my mum and dad. He isn't fit to be called my father. He beat my mum black and blue ever since i can remember. And always for the most absurd reasons. But my mother, being the beautiful creature she was, allowed him to do so because she only saw the very little good that was in him." at the very mention of my mother being abused caused Luca to become livid. Although he was very passive aggressive about it, i could tell because his fist were clenched so hard his knuckles were turning white.    

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