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Benjamin POV

"Merda!!" (shit) I kick the door open and run after Roselyn in vain as she is already halfway down the road. I get on my bike and try to go after her also in vain as she drove through an alley only her bike could fit through. Angry and Frustrated, I call Luca and decide to meet at his house.

Once I arrive, I call him not wanting to disturb the girls and he comes down the driveway with two beers in hand. "Now boy, what possibly couldn't have waited till da mornin?" He says handing me a beer.

"Sta 'zitto" (shut up) I pop my beer and take a long sip.

"Who's got ya knickers in a twist, my boy?" What is that supposed to mean?

"My knickers are fine and why would anyone twist them?" Luca sighs and smacks his forehead.

"You've been ruling this county for year and yet your the densest boy I've ever know. It is a sayin ya idiot. It is like sayin chi ti sta prendendo in giro." (Who is messing with you).

"It is this stupid woman and she —" Luca cuts me off.

"Ok first, don't ever call a woman stupid. And are you sure it was a woman?" I tool my eyes at him.

"I think I would know if I was dancing with a man, Luca." I roll my eyes at his shrugging.

"A donna, sí?" (A woman right?)

"Yes! A donna! Now can I continue?" He nods at me to carry on, "so there is this woman and she made me feel like I was —"

"If you dragged me away from my very pregnant wife to tell me about ya sex life. I'll kill ya." I smack the back of his head.

"We did not have sex. We danced and then she—" Ten hells, this guy.

"Ya danced with some chick. That's it?" smack him again.

"If you don't stop interrupting me I'm going to kill you. And she is not a chick. She's a woman." He rolls his eyes.

"Unless she's ya Valkyrie, bout to be ya wife, or family, she's just a chick." I grunt at him. "Should I be concerned, brother?" What?

"About what"

"About this girl. You plannin on torturin her ya whole life?" I'm not taking her as my wife.

"No." I reply quickly.

"Then what's ya problem?" I roll my eyes and sigh.

"My problem is that we danced the best fucking dance of my life. Even when she didn't know it was me dancing with her, the way she reacted to my every touch, the way we got together, it just felt right. Man, the way she did things like it was just to please me, it was something else." I sigh and my face in my hands.

"So? What's the problem here?"

"The problem is that she ran away from me! The minute she found out it was me, she was out the door." He bursts out laughing. "This is not funny." He continues laughing at me and then sobers up a few minutes later.

"Well tough luck buddy. Move on." I can't.

"Well, except I can't because she is—"

"Well except because she's Roselyn!" Our heads whip around to see a very angry Callie by the door. Luca throws his beer in the bushes and pretends like it was never there. "I saw that Luca! You'll be paying for it later. If I can't drink, you can't drink."

Luca looks at me confused, "You we're talking about Roselyn?" I nod at him.

Callie turns to me and waddles up to me. "I told you to watch out for her and make sure she was safe until I could come and get her. I leave you for TWO HOURS and you scare the poor girl away." She pokes my stomach and looks at me with a slightly terrifying look. I now understand why Luca is so scared of her.

"How do you know what happened?"

"Roselyn called me." Callie knows where she is then.

"Where is she?" I glower at her. She refuses so I advance toward her in frustration. "Tell. Me. Where. She. Is!"
Luca steps between us.

"She isn't going to tell u where she is so leave her alone." He growls. Stupido cucciolo innamorato. (Stupid lovesick puppy).

"I will find her." Callie glares at me.

"No your not. Because you will hurt her. And I will not let you hurt her." I growl and walk towards my bike.

I will find her. And I will not hurt her.

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