12: Hell Breaks Loose

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Chapter 12- Hell Breaks Loose

Alice never imagined such omens like Hal or Edgar. She always had imagined her life as peace bring never oh never ever this. Growing up in a trailer park only made her realize that the Southside was a trap. You get sucked in, trapped for life and Hell breaks loose. And she's not taking that term loosely. Never has and never will.

It took her several times to finally convince her brainwashed daughter. At first Polly was relentence, she thought her mother was insane. But slowly her mother started making sense. She couldn't stop sobbing in her mother's arms as they walked away and Hotwired Edgar's truck. She murdered her baby. What kind of mother does that? She couldn't believe what she'd done.

She was horrified to find out that Hiram and Edgar set her up and shipped her and mother to this cult farm. She never felt so sick to her stomach. She missed Jason, oh god she missed him so much. She really missed her little sister and she also learned that her mother had a baby by FP Jones.

That was a horrible realization, But her mom told her that Charles died. Now she's having his baby again. Polly kept her mouth shut the rest of the drive. They were hours away from home.
By sunrise, FP's ear rung from the pounds on his door. He was expecting to find Hermione yelling at him again for missing out on her party or Cheryl barging in asking if he's still sober. When he opened the door he wasn't expecting to see not only Alice but her daughter.

He noticed automatically that Alice's cheek was red and her eyes were red-rimmed. He didn't know what the hell happened out there or if he had to be worried. All he cared about was that Alice was okay. He didn't stop worrying.

"Alice... What the hell?!" He snarled, hinting that he was furious and then he saw Polly's face.

Polly looked at the two of them, tears rolling down her cheeks, heart in throat and feet frozen to ground. Her omens were cold and she feared that he would send her away. She never meant to hurt her children.

She slowly opened her mouth, sucking at her bottom lip and holding back her tears at the bay. Her heart still caught in her throat. "Mr. Jones..." She started, still sucking at her lip. "I'm so so sorry. I-I never meant to hurt any—" She broke down sobbing.

FP's heart broke for her. She was just as brainwashed as Alice was, maybe even more than her mother had been. He gestured them over to his couch. He didn't care that she killed one of her babies. Yes what she did was wrong. But she was brainwashed, incredibly broken and couldn't even tell what she was.

Alice swallows the tea he had given them to drink. It was her favorite. She still couldn't believe he knew her favorites still. She's amazed by the softness to his hand on hers. The way he runs circles into her hand or back. She had missed him so much and she's still hiding one factor from him.

"So... what happened and why the hell did you leave!" She bites at her tongue as tears roll.

"FP... I know me leaving is inexcusable. I know that and I'm so very sorry." She starts crying.

She's perfectly aware that she doesn't deserve his pity and that she was so awful to everyone. She broke everybody's trust and hates herself for that.

"And you expect me, to drop everything and you come here for what? You ruined your daughter, broke her heart and for one I don't even want to speak to you." That hurt she hated that he was one who was the mad at her.

FP knew he was lying deeply about not wanting to see her. He missed her so much and it broke his heart that she left him. But he couldn't have her knowing that. Also he was stubborn to even tell her he loves her. Everyone knows he loves her. But FP and Alice. Polly knows that Her mother loves FP as well. She can also tell that FP loves her too.

"It was my fault." She tried to defend her mother. "I was the one who went to the farm in the first place and Hiram and Edgar are working together." FP's jaw clenched tightly.

That bastard." He sent you and your mother to a cult." Alice and Polly nodded."He also set the fire." Polly's eyes grow wide. She couldn't believe that man almost killed her mother.

FP's eyes saw furry as he held his jaw shut. Edgar and Hiram set up that fire. He wanted to march his butt over to the Sheriff's station and kill Hiram. A hand stopped him. "It won't do any good, FP." A soft angelic voice breaks his rage.

He looks around and spots Jughead, Jellybean and Betty standing outside their rooms. Betty thought she'd been imagining this. It can't be her, can it? She's so confused. Who can she trust? Her trust has been broken many times. By her no-name father. That man ruined her. Also her mother. That woman broke her trust time and time again. She's struggling with the fact. The fact her mother is in the room, sitting on the sofa and hiding a dark lie.

"Hello, Mom." The tone made Alice wince. She knew she'd fucked up. But this time... could be her final chance. She left her and now how is she supposed to suspect her daughter to just welcome her with open arms. She doesn't. She knows the damage and the cursing she'd caused.

She slowly approaches her daughter, her daughter's eyes were dark and unwelcoming. She didn't blame her for being apprehensive. She did just walk out on her and left her stranded. So what if is was Christmas? Forgiveness doesn't come by easily with Betty. Betty doesn't know what to think.

"Betty." Her mother's voice, rawed with pain and resentment. She can see that her mother hates herself but could she be trusted? She wasn't quite appealed to that question.

"Alice..." Jughead's voice came out a little gravelly." What are you doing here?" FP's eyes follow the tone in his son's voice. He was taken back. He knew his son was angry but he didn't think that his son was this triggered by her presence.

Alice takes a step back and looks at the ground. She knows that Jughead's feelings were just as affected as her daughter's were. He took care of her daughter and apparently his family as well.

"Jughead... I know you're angry with me and that perfectly fine. I've done things wrong. I hurt people with my actions and I'm ready to take full responsibility for those wrongs." As much as Jughead wanted to believe what she was saying. But his anger towards her was still brewing the second his eyes laid on her.

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