14: T' Only The Truth

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Chapter 14: T' Only The Truth

Alice's eyes widened and instantly her hands fell to her protruding baby swell. The lady in front of her gives a glare and snaps her mouth open.

"Well, I see you've been busy." The tone was accusing and Alice knew that she was in trouble.

She stepped forward, jaw locked tight and faced the redhead who's eyes flamed with annoyance. She feared that her secret was out in the open. Her time has come and she must tell him.

Before he learns from someone else. That would be the last resort. She had to tell him before it got too far and they're wouldn't be a back button.

"I-I —"

The redhead's hand raised in front of her face. "Don't even, Alice. This is a new low. FP doesn't deserve to be lied to again. His wife or Now soon to be ex-wife is pregnant and you disappeared for months on end." How did she know it was FP's?

It was like she could see through Alice's head. "Don't act like I don't know it's his."

"H-h-How did—" She cut Alice off again." I did the math and plus when I talked to Hogeye he told me about you and FP so I put two and two together and voliá here we are."

Her feet glued to the floor. She couldn't move or swallow. She felt her chest tighten. "Please don't tell him about the baby." She pleaded with the redhead in front of her.

She scoffed." You gotta be kidding me? You want to lie for you and act like I didn't know the truth about your sweet hiatus. No I'm not going to, Smith. You've crossed the line. There's no more line. I watched for weeks Betty falling apart at your and Pollykins departure. She was wrecked and now you want to end FP to your agenda." She shook her head and narrowed her eyes.

She breathed out." I'll tell him, I promise." The redhead just rolled her eyes and placed her hands to her hips. "I'll think about it." And then she stormed away hot on her red heels.

Alice breathed in relief as she pushed the cart to checkout line and saw no sign of the redhead any-where. That was a good sign also a bad one. She wasn't sure if she could keep to her word. It's hard to trust a blossom. Hard isn't the word; impossible.

When she walked inside, tears dripped down her cheeks. Polly gave her a look. It was full of sympathy and 'I told you so' all in one glance. Polly pulls her mother into her arms, stroking her head and whispering," It's going to be okay, Mama. I'll be here for you. I promise."

Of course Polly immediately thought FP reacted badly. When that wasn't the case. She didn't make a sound as her daughter took her into the living room. She laid her across the couch, a blanket draped around her and a pillow stuffed behind her neck.

Polly came into the room carrying a tea cup and in her other hand was a bottle of anti-nausea pills; she had been given by her doctor. That reminded her; she still had to book an appointment with her doctor. She had to get checked out to make sure everything was going good.


FP was having dinner with Fred, Archie and his kids at Fred's house. He had a long day; he dealt with Betty skipping, then a customer was rude and finally he was invited over for dinner. He thought about declining Fred's invitation but he figured may one meal wouldn't hurt. He kept wondering if he should tell Alice about her daughter, but then again; She ran off and left her daughter in his care.

He sat near Fred, who was next to his son. Jellybean noticed that Betty looked upset. She didn't ask what was wrong. She already knows. Also she overheard her father talking to Mr. Andrews. She couldn't believe Betty did that. That didn't seem like the Betty she knows and adores as if she was her older sister. She didn't have one.

Although recently she learned about her deceased older brother. She and Jughead had no clue about and apparently her father. There was a small part of her that hated Alice. Not for tearing her family part. No that happened a while ago. She was hated for not telling him, also leaving Betty and her father stranded. She wasn't sure how her father felt but she thinks that he's heartbroken over her.

Her father barely ever leaves the house. And since Alice got back two weeks ago. There wasn't any change. He was still sulking and crying about her.

"Mr. Jones, my dad and I invited you over here for a reason." Archie said out of the blue.

FP's eyes widened and he quickly chews his food and swallows what he has left over. "Oh really?" He asked suspiciously.

Fred sent his son a look and Archie's mouth snaps shut." Yes. I was wondering if you consider being my partner." He pushed a paper across the table in front of FP's face.

His face drawls in shock. He wasn't expecting this. He takes the paper into his hands. It said his name in bolded print on top. He reads the first line and quickly gets out of his seat and hugged Fred. Fred looks shocked at first but then gives in. They hugged for some time before pulling awkwardly away from him and a cheesy smile arises.

"Oh.. wow... this is— I don't even have words on how thankful I am for this, Freddie." He's flabb-ergasted to the point he can't even make a proper sentence.

Betty claps, soon everyone his clapping in the room. Jughead wore a proud grin on his face as he hugged his dad. Jellybean kisses his cheek and gives him a bone-crushing hug. He feels like he can't breathe by time she releases.

"Oh sorry, Daddy." JB apologized as a worried tone falls off her lips.

FP turned back to his daughter and kissed her temple. "It's okay Jelly— I mean JB."

Jellybean giggles," Dad, its okay to call me Jelly." Her father looked at her wide-eyed.

"Really?" He questions.

"Yes. I'll allow it." He softens inside, then an evil smirk crosses over her lips. "Only at certain times."

"Jelly." Jughead taunts, earning a glare from his little sister.

"Forsythe." She taunted back, smiling as her brother hardened his eyes.

"Jellybean!" He yells.

Causing JB to bite back," Forsythe Pendleton!"

"Forsythia Jellybean Jones!"

"Oh you're dead meat, kidcrowacic!" She started chasing him throughout the Andrews household.

Jughead was quick to his feet and ran towards Archie's room. He knew this house like the back of his head. All the places to hide and the ones to avoid at all costs unless you want to be found.

Fred and FP laughed while the kids chased each other. Betty and Archie to just rolled their eyes at the annoying brother-sister duo. They didn't find this funny... okay they were laughing too. Betty snapchatted the whole thing. Later they would be all laughing at it.

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