27: Other Baby

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Chapter 27: Other Baby

The following morning, Alice rubbed her hands over the exposed bump. The first she rubbed her belly she felt a powerful kick. Joy filled her insides, but then that quickly turned into guilt. She had a hard time enjoying those kind of moments when FP wasn't able to experience them with her. And that also been her fault. She was the one who didn't tell him about her being pregnant. Not once, twice.

Softly she crept downstairs for early morning breakfast. Normally she wasn't a morning person, but lately ever since she got back from the 'farm' she started to have more or a liking to mornings.

"Morning." She whispered softly to the girl sitting at the breakfast nook.

JB lazily lifted her head." Morning," She mumbled against the glass.

She bent down and touched JB's head again." How you feeling today?" Jellybean thought about telling her to back off, but instead she barely gave an answer.

"Eh, I guess."

Alice opened the fridge, pulling out a carton of almond milk and retrieved Apple Jack's from the cupboard. She didn't feel like cooking a big nutritious breakfast this morning. FP would be back in a day or two and hopefully by then JB's cold surpasses.

"Did you try honey for the throat?" The girl shook her head. "Oh, you should. Honey is a natural soother and it should help with the inability to speak correctly."

"Where's Polly and Juniper at?" This was first time JB actually acknowledged them.

"Polly went to see a friend in Nashville and decided to take Juni with her. They'll be back tomorrow evening."

JB's smile appeared and she began eating the dry toast she made in the toaster. Jellybean wasn't a fan of these remedies but at this point she was willing to try anything to help.


Alice grabbed a few strawberries and decorated her cereal, earning a look from the pre-teen which she ignored anyway.


When Alice returned from grocery shopping she heard hurling sounds coming from the bathroom. She went to the living room and found the couch empty. She followed the sounds and knocked her knuckles against the mahogany cherry wood door.

"JB, are you in there?" Her only response was the continuation of vomiting. "Do you--" Her face grimaced.

"N-n..." JB began before her words were cut short by the urge to gag back the acid bubbling in her stomach.

"Are you sure you are alright in there?"

"Yes...no, I'm not. My stomach hurts."

"Can you open the door?" Two clicks were heard as the door handle turned.

The door revealed a sweaty pale pre-teen with her head hovered over the toilet-bowl. She winced in sympathy. She must be in real hell right now. Alice grabbed her two hand towelettes, dunked them in cool water and swiped them gingerly over JB's forehead.

JB's eyes looked redden and puffy. With her other hand Alice took the opportunity while Jellybean was distracted, checked her temp.

"JB... I think we need to get more fluids in you." JB shook her head vigorously.

"No. No. I'm not taking anymore."

"I know you don't want to but you need to keep hydrated, JB. You lost a lot of fluids from losing your stomach acids." Alice retracted her hand and simple held it out.

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