The Vital Festival Begins

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(y/n) POV

Tonight is the traditional pre-festival dance, I offered to host it at my club, but renovating it again is taking longer than I thought. "WHY DO I HAVE TO GO?!" Raven yelled as I dragged her to the ballroom, "Because it's a party and you love to party." I said, Raven looked shocked. Suddenly she was dragging the rest of us along as she sprinted to the ballroom, "HOW IS SHE RUNNING IN HEALS?!" I asked in shock. 

Raven POV

When we arrived at the party I ran to the refreshments table to look for some alcohol, "W...what, where are all the booze?!" I asked in shock, "I know kid it's a shame. Mistress killjoy over there said no booze." A scruffy-looking man said, "Your Qrow Branwen aren't you." I said with disdain, "Yes I am and I need to talk with you in private." He said as he walked me outside. 

"Ok kid who are you." He said bluntly, "Are you stupid or something? I'm Raven Blake." I said, "I know that's what you want people to think, but I want to know your real name." He said I laughed a bit, "So you figured me out then." I said, "Using my sister's name wasn't a  smart move." He said, "Your probably right, my real name is Blair Blake." I said, "And what's your relationship to my sister?" He asked, "I want her to finally take me as her daughter!" I said, "H...her daughter?" He asked, "Yes, she took me in as a child because of my unique semblance." I said, "So she kidnapped you." He retorted, "NO! She saved my life. My parents were killed by a strange Grimm. It would have killed me too, but she fought it off and saved me. I discovered my semblance while I was running away from the Grimm. Up until about a year or so ago, I live as a part of the Branwen tribe and I want nothing more than to finally hear her call me her daughter." I said, "You know she already has a daughter right? Trust me Blair you don't want Raven to be your mother." He said, "You idiot! I love Raven she cared for me when no one else would! Tell me do you think she would do that for Yang?" I said arrogantly, "Your right she wouldn't, but she only cares about you because at the moment you're useful to her." He said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Your weapon, she gave it to you didn't she?" He asked, "Yes, she said I needed a strong weapon to make up for my weaknesses." I said sadly, "Thought so. Did she ever tell you the story of that weapon?" He asked, I shook my head, "Not surprising, she doesn't like to talk about it. That was the weapon of the woman who raised us, I wouldn't go as far as to call her our mother, but she was the closest thing we had to one. She was tough, but fair, strong, but kind. I think you get the picture. Honestly, I feel that if she didn't get involved with bandits she would have been the ideal mother for practically anyone." He said, "She sounds amazing so why wouldn't Raven want to talk about her, and what was her name?" I asked, "Her name was Terra Branwen, and because Raven was the one who killed her. It was a simple job. The three of us just had to take out some caravan and then take their valuables, sounds easy right, well you would be wrong, Terra lead the job. Raven and I couldn't have been much older than ten or eleven, but Raven was already completely loyal to the tribe. During the job, Terra decided last minute that she wanted out of the life she had. She tried to convince us to run away with her, we could have started over as a real family. It sounded nice, but to Raven, it was the most insulting thing she could have ever been told. She stabbed Terra and completed the job on her own. The worst part about it is that she used Terra's weapon to kill her and that she didn't even shed a single tear." He said the entire story brought tears to my eyes, "I knew she was cold, but... but that's just disturbing." I said in shock. 

(y/n) POV

"Hey, mom can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked, mom was just sitting watching the party-goers, "Sure honey what did you need?" Mom asked, "Do you think I can win the festival?" I asked, "Honestly I hope you can, but in reality no I don't think you can win." She said, "I thought so, well at least mama believes in me." I said as I walked away. I could tell mom realized what she did when I looked back at her and saw her almost placid expression.

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