Mothers Battle

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(y/n) POV

"Honey it's been four months now have you decided what our baby's last name will be yet?" Eve asked, "No, I love all of my mothers, but I just can't choose one." I said, "Maybe I can help you with that baby brother." Blake said as she walked up behind me, "And how would you do that?" I asked, "Well you go to a combat school. So just let them fight for it." She said, "Ok as dumb as that plan sounds it might actually work." I said, "Great let your darling older sister handle everything for you!" She said as she ran off to make the preparations. "Ok what's going on with your sister?" Eve asked, "She's being a major kiss ass in an attempt to be our kids godmother." I said, "She does realize that we're not going to be choosing the godparents for a while right?" She asked, "Honestly I have no idea, but hey who am I to deny her help when she's so eager to give it." I said as I put my arm around Eve, "Your terrible, and I love it." She said as she put her head on my chest.

"(y/n) we're here! What did you need us for?" Mom asked, "Just a heads up this was all Blake's idea." I said, "Ok ladies your dear son can't decide on the proper last name for his baby, so we're going to have the mothers fight for who's name is going to get passed on to the baby!" Blake said excitedly.

Kali POV

I drew my bladed pistols and got ready to have to fight with everything I had! I was fighting two pro huntresses, one is the damn headmistress of Beacon, and the other it the Fall maiden! I didn't stand a chance. As the buzzer sounded to start the fight I was pleasantly surprised that I wasn't the first one to be eliminated. Glynda and Cinder were fighting so I decided to let them drain their auras and then take them out in one shot!

Glynda POV

"CINDER!" I yelled, "GLYNDA!" Cinder yelled as we rushed to land our final attacks. "And that settles it mom's the winner." Blake said, "Wait what?" I said in confusion, I looked over and saw Kali's guns had been fired. "How did we loose to Kali?!" I asked, "Oh Glynda we lived together for over ten years and you never once bothered to learn the first rule of the Belladonna family." Kali said, "And what pray tell would that be?" I asked scenically, "Never EVER underestimate the power of the Bellabooty." She said, "She does have a very nice butt." Cinder said calmly.

(y/n) POV

"Ok I'm confused why is your mom's butt so powerful?" Eve asked, "Well no one knows exactly why but at one point or another there have been several cults and religions revolving the Bellabooty." Blake said, "In other words the Belladonna's naturally have great butts." I said, "No that can't be true... can it?" Eve asked, "I don't know you tell me." I said as I turned Blake around to show Eve her butt, "I stand corrected." She said in defeat.

"Babe!" Eve said as we walked down the hall, "Yeah whats up?" I asked, "Look." She said as she pointed into a classroom, "What could possibly by so interesting about an empty... classroom." I said as I looked into the classroom and saw some sort of cult. "Honey I'll be right back." I said as I walked into the classroom, "Be careful!" She said nervously.

"Hey what kind of party do we have going on in here?" I asked jokingly, I looked past a few people and saw a very disturbing picture. I summoned Dark Excalibur, "Ok I'll give you exactly three seconds to explain why there's a picture of my sister's ass here, and if I don't like what I here well then Astaroth gets to have some fun." I said menacingly, "We are worshiping the great Bellabooty." A man said, "I can see that and you know what, I have half a mind to kill everyone in here right now, but first there's something I have to do." I said as I opened a void and wet to go get popcorn and a comfortable chair for Eve. "Ok now let me get this set up and then I'll deal with you." I said as I set up Eve's chair, "OH! There's something I've been dieing to do and I think I'm finally gonna do it!" I said as Eve sat down, I handed her the popcorn , "I knew I shouldn't have let you watch that movie." Eve said, "What it'll be awesome." I said, "You know the first red flag was when you bought that stupid hat." She said as I opened a void and re-emerged in an Indiana Jones hat and a bull whip on my belt, "My hat is not stupid, and in the spirit of Indiana Jones I'm going treasure hunting." I said, "And what treasure is there to be found here?" She asked, "That." I said as I pointed to the picture, "In some cultures that picture is a holy relic and worth a small fortune." I said, "And what are you gonna do with it once you have it?" She asked, "Burn it obviously. Why would I let anyone have something like that!" I said as I walked up to the picture, "Don't you dare touch that!" Someone said, "And who's gonna stop me?" I asked, "I WILL!" A woman yelled as she tried to punch me, "Wait a second, Yang is that you?!" I asked, "Yep! Now step away from the picture." She said as she readied her weapons, "HEY NO FAIR YOU HAVE A SHOTGUN IN YOUR HAND!" I said, "Yeah and you immortal what's your point?" She said, "True, but counter point I have a sweet ass hat and bullwhip your argument is invalid." I said as I drew my whip. I cracked the whip at her feet causing her to fall backwards, I grabbed the picture and ran towards the exit, "I don't think so kitty!" Yang said as she stepped on my whip, "Hey don't step on that it was expensive!" I said complacently, "Oh I didn't realize." She said as she shot it, "Yang run! Blair tried to do that and he almost ripped her arms off!" Eve shouted, "Two hundred and ninety lien gone." I said grimly, "Wow (y/n) I'm sorry I didn't realize you spent that much on it." Yang said, "Accelerate." I said as I punched Yang through a wall, "ANYONE ELSE WANNA PISS ME OFF SOME MORE!" I yelled as I stormed out to the classroom with the picture, I dragged Eve along while she was in her chair still eating her popcorn.

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