Babysitter Blake and Friends

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(y/n) POV

"Ok Blake Eve and I have to go on a mission so I need you to watch the kids for me, and I know that Chris is gone so I'm leaving Shiryu here with you." I said, "Hello!" Shiryu said as she popped out from behind me holding Terra, "Ok come on in you three." Blake said as she took Terra from Shiryu.

Blake POV

"Hello wittle Terra Auntie Blake missed you so much!" I said as she nuzzled the infant, "Um Aunt Blake I'm bored." Melody said, "Come on Melody I know what we can do that'll be fun." Shiryu said as they went out to the backyard, suddenly the sound of clashing blades filled the air, "Please don't end up like your sister." I said as I rocked her. "MOM!" Sky yelled as she kicked open the door causing Terra to cry, "Sky the baby!" I said as I tried to calm her down. "Sorry Mom, I didn't know (y/n) left the kids here." She said, "It's fine sweetie. So what's up?" I asked, "What cant I come visit my mother and farther?" She said defensively, "No, no you cant. Last time you came to visit you only came for more money." I said, "Mom that was months ago...and while more money would be nice I don't need it! I'm a big girl now and I got a job." She said confidently, "Honey that's great where are you working your father and I can come visit you!" I said, "I work at a strip club." She said with a smile, suddenly something in my mind shattered and the words strip club echoed in my mind, "ABSOLUTELY NOT! YOU WILL NOT STRIP FOR STRANGERS OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER!" I yelled, "Don't worry Mom I just serve the drinks...and occasionally break the fingers of the more handsy drunks." She said, "Sweetie I know you're an official huntress, but this is a bit of am abuse of that power don't you think?" I said, "Mom, Daddy and I already talked about this and he said it's fine." She said, "Yes but your father is an idiot and so's your uncle for that matter." I said, "Yeah, he's eighteen and he already has two kids, a gorgeous girlfriend, a beautiful house with a big backyard and a pool, three other beautiful women living with him, a puppy, and he has a stable job as night club owner...why is he a huntsman again?" She said.

(y/n) POV

"Honey is it wrong that we pushed the kids on your sister and Shiryu just so we could go on a vacation?" Eve asked, "No, now if we went on a vacation in Remnant then we'd be in trouble." I said, "But you said we were on a mission." She said, "We are, a recon mission. We're gathering info on the ocean life here at this five star resort." I said, "That's right Eve dear, just relax after all you wouldn't want to put your kids in any danger now would you?" Mom said, "I guess not, but what if mom or Glynda ask where we were?" Eve asked, "I got that covered. Cinder's gonna tell them that we went to go settle things with Skyler." I said as I put my sunglasses on and leaned back in my chair, "Just relax what's the worst that could happen?" I said.

Melody POV

"Melody what's wrong?" Shiryu asked, suddenly a man slashed at me from behind, "AIZEN!" Shiryu said angrily as she blocked his blade, "So you're the Shiryu, I expected you to be stronger." Aizen said, "Run red with blood!" She said as her sword transformed, "MELODY RUN! GO GET BLAKE AND TERRA AND GET AS FAR FROM HERE AS YOU CAN!" She yelled.

"AUNTIE BLAKE!" I yelled as I ran inside, "Melody sweetheart what's wrong?" Auntie Blake asked, "W...We have to go!" I said, suddenly Shiryu crashed through the wall, "MY KITCHEN!" She yelled, "Ah Blake it's good to see you again." Aizen said, "Please I want to leave!" I cried, "Alright sweetie we'll leave." She said as Sky picked me up.

Shiryu POV

"REND!" I yelled as I slashed at Aizen sending a wave of energy at him, "Pathetic." He said as he waved it aside. "What do you want Aizen?!" I said, "To make that brat (y/n) suffer. After all he's the one who brought the soul reapers here, and he's the reason why Kali and I broke up." He said as he stabbed me.


"Eve I've been meaning to ask you something for a while now." (y/n) said as he got down on one knee, I sat up an stared at him in awe, "Eve Fullbuster will you marry me?" He asked, "MY BABIES!" I shouted, "Eve dear what's wrong?" Rangiku asked, "M...My children are in danger I...I can feel it!" I said, "Eve the kids are fine. It's probably just...S...Shiryu." (y/n) said, "Eve we're leaving! NOW!" He said as he opened a portal back to Remnant.

"W...What happened here?!" I said as we looked at the remains of Blake's house, "MOMMY!" Melody cried as she ran over to us, "Melody! Where's  your sister?!" I asked as I hugged her, "I've got her." Blake said, "Blake who did this?" (y/n) asked, "Do you really need to ask?" She said, "I'LL KILL HIM! AIZEN'S GONE TOO FAR! ATTACKING MY CHILDREN AND SISTER!" He yelled angrily as his eyes turned yellow and black. "Yes." I said, "What?" He said, "Yes I will marry you, I...I never gave you an answer." I said as I picked up Melody.

(y/n) POV

"Hey Mom." I said as I walked into Mom's office, "Sweetie it's good to see you." Mom said, "Um I've got good news, bad news, and a question." I said, "What did you do." She said, "Nothing...yet." I said, "Aizen's back and he attacked the kids while they were with Blake. He destroyed her house so I was wondering if they could stay with you guys." I said, "Of coarse, are the kids alright?!" She asked worriedly, "They're fine just shaken up is all, and the good news is Eve and I are engaged." I said, "Congratulations darling." She said.

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