Fallen Angel

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(y/n) POV

"WHY DO I HAVE TO GO TO THIS DAMN FUNERAL?!" I complained, "Because he gave you his job for some reason and to show a little respect for your heritage." Eve said, "Here's an idea why don't you come with!" I said, "Oh...Um... I'd love to, but... I'm just so busy." She said with a nervous laugh, "It's because of Kenpachi isn't it?" I asked, "It's all Kenpachi." She confirmed, "It's always Kenpachi." I said as I pinched the bridge of my nose, "What's a Kenpachi?" Melody asked, I got a devious smile, "DON'T YOU DARE!" Eve said as she smacked the back of my head, "I would like to know what a Kenpachi is as well." Juliet said softly, "Can I take her?" I asked, "Sure just don't let Kenpachi touch, look, smell, breath, or be in her general area." Eve said, "I can only say I will try." I said calmly.


"Bye guys, oh and honey tell your parents I said hi!" I said as they left for Soul Society. "Eve whats a Kenpachi?" Melody asked innocently, "Do you like video games Mels?" I asked, "Yeah?" She said, "Well imagine a game where one boss is so overpowered that he literally breaks the game." I said, "That sounds horrible!" She said, "That's Kenpachi." I said, "I... I need an adult." She said, "I am an adult." I said, "Come on Mels let's go get some ice cream. We can get it from your favorite ice cream shop." I said sweetly, "Are you trying to distract me from the fact that there is a person who can literally break everything in existence." She said, "Just a bit yeah, also I'm really craving some ice cream right now." I said, "Ok." She said as she took my hand.

We decided to walk to the ice cream shop since it wasn't that far away from the house and so that way I could get some exercise. "Hey Eve." Melody said, "Yes what's up Mels? Also it's ok for you to call me mom or something like that." I said, "What's going to happen to me when the baby gets here?" She asked, "Absolutely nothing, Melody your me and (y/n)'s first child we wouldn't leave you for anything." I said sweetly. I held her hand and began to cross the street.

"Ok sweetie you can order whatever you want, just don't tell daddy about this ok." I said, "Ok." Melody said as she looked at the menu. "Ma'am you need to leave!" A man said from the other end of the shop. I looked over and saw Neo in the corner with a comically large tub of ice cream. "Melody sweetheart stay right here alright, I have to go talk to an old friend." I said as I patted her head gently. I walked over to Neo, "Hey Neo it's been a while." I said, she began to type on her scroll, 'Eve, it's good to see you!! What happened to you? It looks like you've gained weight.', "Ok I'll let that one slide just this once considering you didn't know, I'm pregnant Neo, also what's going on here?" I asked, "Is she with you?" The man asked, "Um no but she's a close friend." I said, "Well can you please take her home, she's been here for almost three days now." He said,  "Um ok." I said as Neo got up. "Eve I decided on what I want." Mels said, "Ok sweetie, I'll be there in a minute." I said as I began to walk over to her.

After we got our ice cream, we went outside to eat. "It's a beautiful day, maybe when we get home we could open the pool." I said, 'Since when do you have a pool at the apartment?!' Neo typed, "Oh we all moved out of the apartment and bought a house." I said as I took a sip of my hot fudge sundae and texted Cinder. "When's daddy going to be back?" Melody asked, "Hmm let me think, maybe about an hour or two." I said, "Alright Neo Cinder is gonna stop by the house and pick you up. And just a heads up she's a bit upset with you." I said, she nodded.

We began to walk back home when I saw a girl about Melody's age surrounded by a bunch of thugs. "Melody stay here and do not move." I said sternly as I launched my combat locker to my position. I quickly grabbed Phoenix Wing and ran over to help her.

"Pathetic." The little girl said as she reached behind her back and drew a strange two handed sword.

" The little girl said as she reached behind her back and drew a strange two handed sword

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