He Waits

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Deep in the Forest of Darkness,

Surrounded by mist, a man stands.  

And the Lost, the Forgotten

They roam his forest misbegotten

He has no eyes

No lungs for breath

Still, he defies death

And even with no heart, 

Nothing cannot ever tear him apart

From what he knows he must do

He cannot love

And he cannot move

Even if he chose to

Because the man, deep in the forest of darkness, is weak and old

His skin, weathered away by the aging of eternal fold

And his life? His life is lonely, tiring, and gray

So why, oh, why does he stay?

Can he not rid himself of the pain from all his crimes?

The people he left to suffer, to die? 

The peoples’ cries who he hears throughout everlasting time?

If he could, he would cry

But his sadness is blocked by his sighs,

His sleepless nights, and because he cannot say goodbye…

He waits

In the forest of Darkness

In a place for the lost, the forgotten

Because he does not want anyone to live what he lives

So he waits for the lost to come for help-

And he will help them this time

He will lead them home

Now he just has to wait

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