It is a Calm Summer Day at the Beach

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 It is a Calm Summer Day at the Beach

People run up and down the sand, and they play in the water while people bathe in the sun 

Smiles are on the children’s faces as they have fun

And somewhere down the beach, laughter is shared throughout a group of teenagers

Far away from their parent motivators

Then, up above, they watch as the blue sky dips into a lighter color in the horizon...

The sun brightens the day with tranquil, warm rays of light

It is a Busy Day in the City

The tall towers stand high and poke into the clouds that wander aimlessly through the blue sky

Down below, people whistle to the sound of the city, not questioning why

And under the ground of the lively city runs the network of rails for the subway

There, crowds of people walk up and down the stairs of the underground

Workers come off and on, running out and in, checking their watch, wondering if success can be found

It is a Romantic Night in the Restaurant

Far away from the city, somewhere quiet...

A couple talks in a restaurant of fine cuisine 

Though, in the peacfeul quietness-they laugh together at old, inside jokes

They order a meal for two

And, just like always, they laugh even louder because they know what each other is going to say

 After, a sip wine to calm down

Then they smile happily

And just as the night is about to end...

He pulls out a ring

It is a Happy Day in the House

The kids play with toys, their eyes with a special shine

Mother and Father, on the couch,  watch them with the pure simplicity of a happy smile

The home is warm. 

Sun shines into the room from the glass window

All can hear soft music plays in the background

 When the living room gets boring for the children, you can hear the run they race to the outside so they can roll in the grass

And when they tire...

They sleep under the cool shade of the old tree

It is a Tiring Day in the Forest

A lonely cabin sits in the woods

It is abandoned 

It is used


And weathered

But then the child -now grown- comes back to see it once more

Then, like a story, he starts to fix it

To make it magical again

Like when he was a kid

At the end of the day, he leans on the wooden walls 

Sweat drips down his forehead and down his cheeks

He is tired,


...but Happy

He knows the work is worth it

It is a Calm Day in the Ocean

Old friends reunite 

To fish like in the days of their youth

They tell each other the funny stories that happened since they last saw 

-They remember fun stories from the old days-

They laugh, grin, point and nod remembering memories long since forgotten 

The waves rock the boat like the crib of a baby


Blissfully Kind

The water is blue

Cold, bitter cold and chilled

Yet they jump in

Words that comes into mind...

Fun and Smiles

They become their old selves

It is a Normal Day in the Antique Shop

Old clocks tick and tock.

Black pens cover a table

A typewriter rests heavily on a wooden drawer older than most antiques

And lamps of every shape and size brighten the small store

The old man greets new guests

With his white hair, 

With his thick glasses

 And his smile renewed every time someone comes in

The friendly people shake hands with the old man, who is proud of his large collection

They make small chit chat

The people ask for the age of the items

...Some are older than the man himself

He says goodbye to another part of his collection every time someone walks in

He loves his antiques

He loves the... memories

But he is happy to give it to someone else

Because, after all, they will make memories with it too

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