Is She Okay?

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Jonah POV

After Brea went upstairs Daniel just stood there and everyone left including his 'girlfriend'. He didn't know what to say about everything Breanna just told him. He looked like he was going to cry.

"I' ve never seen her so vulnerable." He said. And then out of no where he stood up straiter and ran up the stairs to Breanna's room faster than I've ever seen him run. Me and the guys followed him up there and he was banging on her door and screaming her name.


"Daniel, I don't think she wants to talk to you." I said pointing out the obvious.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT SHE WANTS RIGHT NOW I NEED HER TO OPEN THIS DOOR! BREANNA??!!" He snapped. I've never seen him in this state before and was a little scared.

"Daniel, just leave her alone." Corbyn tried.

"I CANNOT DO THAT LAST TIME SHE WAS IN THE STATE SHE WAS JUST IN SHE...she tried to commit." He whispered the last part and started knocking on her door again. Me and the guys looked at each other and then started knocking on her door, too. After twenty minutes of knocking on her door we busted it down and she wasn't in her room. Daniel look at the bathroom door. And I followed his gaze to the floor where there was a pool of blood. ZDaniel and I ran over to it and it was locked so i busted that one too. There she was laying there lifeless I couldn't go in there, Daniel pushed past me to her had picked her up bridal style and ran out of the house with her and to his car and he put her in the back. The rest of us got on my car and we sped all the way to the hostpital. Daniel walked in holding her and there were doctors already taking her away. Daniel just broke down crying in the middle of the hostpital.

"Can you guys please wait in the waiting room?" a nurse said.

"sure." I said gettig Daniel to cool off enough to walk there. No one was there so it was just us. Daniel was staring out the window when the doctor came in the waiting room an hour and a half later.

"Are you all here for Breanna Miller?" He asked looking around.

"Yes, is she okay?" Daniel said sounding a little scared.

The doctor paused before responding and we all knew the answer right away "I'm sorry. She's gone." Daniel broke down crying and fell to the floor. The rest of us were crying too but not as bad as Daniel.

"N-no! I can't lose her please tell me you could bring her back? I will give you every penny I have, just please bring her back!" He said to the doctor.

"I'm sorry I can't she lost to much blood and her heart gave up. It's as if she not only lost too much blood but also had a broken heart." The doctor informed us. We all looked at Daniel after the doctor said that and he had the same expression as the rest of us.

The doctor walked away and Daniel said "I just killed the love of my life. The love of my life is gone." I got a phone call as the boys were trying to confort Daniel.

"Hello?" I said not looking at who it was.

"Hey, Jonah. I know you guys are going through something right now but you have an interview in the morning so you need to get home and get some sleep." David said.

"Alright, we lost her by the way." I said that and hung up. "Guys we need to go home David set up an interview for in the morning."

"Okay." We got up to go but Daniel went to the front desk and asked them something and started walking the opposite direction.


Daniel POV

We started to go but I couldn't without saying bye to her. I went to the front desk and asked if I could see her. The lady said yea and told me which room. I walked in and immediatly broke down crying. I went over and sat on the chair by her bed. "I'm so sorry I did this to you. I'm the worst bestfriend ever. I should have never left. I should have never treated you the way I did. You were right I'm not the same person I used to be, I'm super stuck up," I paused to gather myself. "I love you, B." I said getting up and kissing her soft lips for the last time before walking out. I walked up to the guys and Jonah said "You ready?"

"Yea." I said with no emotion.

When we got home we all went to bed. I went to Brea's room instead of my own. When I walked in the first thing I saw was the blood on the floor. I went to get the mop and cleaned it up. I was looking at all the pictures on her dresser and came across one of me and her. It was when we had our fist kiss with each other at fifteen. I smiled at the memory and took my shirt off and got in her bed and stayed there until the next morning when all the boys came in saying to get up the interview was canceled.

"So, why are you waking me up at... 6:30 in the morning." I said annoyed.

"She's fine!" Zach said smiling.

"Who?" I asked confused on who he was talking about and then everything came flooding in from last night. "What do you mean she's fine?" I said getting up really fast and putting my shirt on.

"She's alive!" They said at once.

"No way!" I got my keys and ran down the stairs and out the door so fast. I was at the hostpital and the doctor was waiting for me.

"Hi, Daniel!" He said, " I don't know what happened but after you left her room last night The machine started going off and her heart started beating. Clearly, she wasn't ready to leave you yet."

"Can I see her."

"Yea, but only you."

"Thanks man!" I said and ran to her room. She was sleeping so I sat in the same chair I said goodbye in. I held her hand and fell asleep just like that.


A/N You didn't think it would end this early did you??

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