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Daniel POV

I threw my phone and got up and ran outside, the guys watching in confusion. I sat on the ground at the top of the cliff over looking LA and sat there and cried for what seemed like forever.

"Hey, man are you okay?" I turned around to see Jonah standing there.

"No... I love her and she's gone. She went to him. WTF DOES HE HAVE THAT I DON'T??!!"i started to cry all over again.

"Nothing..." I heard a female voice say. I turned around to see Brea standing there. "You have so much more than him. We have fifteen years of friendship going. He has one month. I didn't know how to react when you told me you loved me, my brain shut down. I should have said that I loved you back, but I didn't and the hurt in your eyes was the worst feeling ever. I lost you when you moved here and I was so mad and upset and so many more feelings that I can't describe. But the one feeling that stood above the rest was love... I loved you Daniel and I still do. I always have and always will. I can't lose you again, I really can't not yet. I just got you back. I love you, Daniel James Seavey, so so much..." She said crying.

I got up and walked over to her and kissed her forehead and hugged her. We cried in each others arms for about an hour. When we heard Alex's voice "Are you guy's okay, cause I hope that it's not what it looks like?"

We both stood there just looking at Alexa, hating that she ruined the moment that was happening between us. "I'm gonna go. I'll see you tomorrow, Daniel." Brea said.

"Bye, B." I said hugging her.

She walked away and I said to Alexa "We need to talk." She looked kinda upset, but I couldn't be with her knowing that I loved Breanna.

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