Chapter 1 Still Best Friends?

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      Fifteen years later, Lucy is now twenty two years old!  Natsu three years her senior, is now twenty-five years old!  Even now that all this time has gone by they are still best friends!  Everyone who sees them together are amazed with how well they get along!  

    "Gray, did you see that how Natsu wipes the yogurt off Lucy's face?"  Juvia asks.

    "Yes, I sure did, Juvia!"  Gray replies.

    "What do make of it?  I mean are they couple?"  Juvia asks.

    "No, they are just close as they are best friends! " Gray says.

   "Really?  Now, how can two more opposite than the other be best friends?"  Juvia asks.

   "I have no idea.  All I know is that Lucy and Natsu have been friends since childhood."  Gray says.

"I think it is quite nice," Juvia says.

   "Nice, nice?  Are you kidding me?"  Gray says.

   "Why such a glum face?"  Ezra asks.

  "Yeah, Gray what is with you?"  Levy remarks.

  "It is nothing, girls!  It just bothers Gray that Lucy and Natsu get along so well!" Juvia says.

  "Oh, and why is that I wonder!" Levy says.

  "Gray are you jealous of  Natsu and Lucy?" Ezra says.

  "No, I with Juvia!" Gray says and holds her hand.

 "He is right we are dating!" Juvia says with a beam to her expression.

 "Wow, that is great!"  Levy says.

 "Yes, guys!  That is fantastic!"  Ezra says.

   "I hear Lucy has a crush!"  Levy says.

   "Really?"  Juvia says.

  "Yes, only she will not say who it is!  I think she is afraid if she tells that Natsu will be upset with her and refuse to speak to her again."  Levy says.

  "I dare say, I see no need for her to worry so much about it."  Ezra says.

  "Well, Lucy and Natsu look great together!  I think they should date!" Levy says.

   "Levy, what makes you say such a thing?"  Juvia replies.

   "I only said as much because I know it is on all our minds, and besides, Lucy and Natsu work well together.  I know for a fact, Natsu absolutely adores her."  Levy says.

  "Oh, and how do you know all this?"  Juvia asks.

  "Yes, how do you know how flame brain feels about the blonde girl anyway?"  Gray remarks.

   "First, it is not nice to call your friend names like that Gray. Second, I know because Natsu told me himself that he has a crush on her. He is just waits on the exact appropriate moment to tell her that is all."  Levy says.

 "Well, you want hear me say a word about it." Ezra says.

"Same here," Juvia says.

  "Nor will I!" Gray says.

   Lucy and Natsu walk towards the rest of their friends. They both smile.

  "So, what you guys up too?"  Natsu asks.

   "Nothing, much!  How about you?"  Gray says.

   "Oh, just the same as usual!" Natsu says.

   "Yeah, he was just telling me how he used to blow bubbles in his chocolate milk!  How he used to throw spit wads in class as a teenager, and how he once beat up some one because they made fun of his hair and his friend, Happy."  Lucy says.

    Lucy giggles.  "Natsu, here makes me laugh!  I mean that is one of the reasons after all this time that were still best friends!" Lucy says.

   "Yeah, she is right!  We are best friends!" Natsu says. He grins big and blushes as he thinks about he wishes he could tell Lucy how he really feels about her. 

   "Natsu, why are you still single?"  Happy blurts out! 

   "Not now, Happy,"  Natsu says. He frowns.

   "Yeah, Natsu why are you still single?"  Lucy teases him and laughs when his face turns red from embarrassment.

   "Maybe I just haven't found the right girl yet!" Natsu replies. He thinks, Lucy, the real reason I don't date anyone is because the only one I want to date is you, but I can't tell you because I don't want to ruin our friendship. I mean how can I possibly tell you without it having such a huge impact on us both?  

   "Okay, well then, in that case Mr. Pink Hair, I hope whoever she is treats you just fine and dandy then!" Lucy says.  She thinks, Oh, Natsu how can I tell you how I really feel?  

   to be continued in Chapter 2  Lucy's  Secret Crush?


Lucy and Natsu's  Love Story (AU)  *A Fairy Tail Fan fiction*  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now