Chapter 11 One Year Later Surprise!

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         Natsu and Lucy have been together for one year now!  Natsu wants to make it a special day to remember. One that he and Lucy can cherish for years to come.  At least, he sure hope so as he looks at the box with the engaged ring inside.  It is a sparkly ten carat diamond in the center of a nice gold band.  He thinks, well today is the day!  I will propose to her!  I can do this!

       Natsu goes to pick Lucy up from her place.  The item before mentioned is now tucked inside his jacket.  Lucy smiles at him as he puts on her jacket.  It is a bit windy, rainy and cold out today.  Even the weather can not crush her hopes and dreams though.  

      Natsu smiles at his lovely girlfriend, grabs her hand and they head out.  He can often wonders as he does now, what did I do to deserve such a wonderful woman like, Luce?   He takes her to their favorite restaurant.  The one they have gone to in months!  He looks up at the sign that says,For lease!   

   "What, you have got to be kidding?"  Natsu says in dismay.

   "It is okay, Natsu.  We can just go somewhere else."  Lucy says.

   "Luce, are you sure?  I know how much you had your heart set on this place!"  Natsu says.

   "Do not fret!  It is okay, really!  Natsu as long as I am with you, it will be great!"  Lucy says.

   "Wow, you really never cease to amaze me, my lovely, love!"  Natsu remarks.

   "Natsu, stop!  You will make me blush all over!"  Luce says.

   "Oh, but you will be the prettiest lady with me tonight."  Natsu says.

   "Oh, yeah!  You will be the cutest, pink haired man with me tonight."  Lucy says. She winks at him a bit as she says this and laughs when he blushes a bright red shade.

   "Wow, Natsu!  You are redder than me!  Haha!" Lucy says.

    "Oh, yeah, we will just see about that blondie!"  Natsu says.

   "Well, you are on pinkie!"  Lucy says.

    Natsu and Lucy run and make a race to see who gets the plan B, restaurant first.  This is the place where they saw each other for the first time years ago after many years apart.  Natsu arrives first, so he opens the door for Lucy.  Once inside, they sit down.  This is the sit yourself down kind of place.   Soon, after they are seated, the man comes to get their orders. 

   Lucy and Natsu both order, chocolate chip milkshakes, french fries, a  bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich on toast with mayonnaise, and a slice of swiss cheese.  It is like they are match made in heaven or something.  The orders are quick.  They say the blessing, and begin to eat.

    "Wow, the food is better than I remember!"  Lucy remarks.

    "Yeah, I totally agree!  Though the company is even prettier!"  Natsu says.

    Lucy blushes more than before at his compliment about her looks.  She knows she should be use to this sort of thing by now, but some how it still catches her by surprise. Lucy thinks, they could not have a better one year anniversary than this if they try.  

   Natsu enjoys his food too. When they both finish, he pays for the meal, as usual.  Then, they head back to his place for a bit.  The plan is to watch a movie.  Only before Lucy can hit the play button, Natsu gets off the sofa.  He takes off his jacket.  He looks at her as the sweat rolls down his back.  He gets down on one knee, and holds a box open in his hand.  

    "I love you, Luce!  Lucy Heartfaila, will you marry me?" Natsu ask, with a serious tone to his voice and nervous smile.

   "Yes, I will!  I will be so happy to be your wife!"  Lucy says.  She hugs him first,then kisses him as he gently places the engagement ring on her finger!

      Natsu calls his buddy Gray to tell him the good news and makes sure to put the phone on speaker.  

   "Hey, Natsu!  Why you calling me for man?  Why you not on a date with your woman?"  Gray says.

    Natsu laughs.  Lucy does too.

   "Actually, I asked her to marry me and she said yes!"  Natsu says.

   "Yeah, Gray we are engaged now!  I am so excited to be able to become the future Mrs. Dragneel."   Lucy says.

    "Wow, that is great news!  In that case, congratulations guys!"  Gray says into the phone.

    "Awe, thanks so much, man!"  Natsu and Lucy answers together.

    "Wait, a minute, is that Natsu and Lucy?'"  Juvia ask.

    "Yes, it sure is babe! "  Gray says with a huge grin on his face.  He sure is happy for his friend to be so happy about the news he just shared with him over the phone.

     "Hey, did you say something about future Dragneel?"  Juvia ask. She is curious to know what is going on as she just got out of the bathroom.

     "Yes, I sure did!  Natsu and I are getting married!"  Lucy says.

    "I am so happy for you both!  Congratulations for you Nalu!"  Juvia responds.

     Gray hangs up after Juvia finishes and sets the table for their supper.

        Meanwhile, Natsu and Lucy can hardly wait to make plans for their upcoming wedding to each other!  This is the most exciting time of their entire lives!   As far as Natsu and Lucy go, their wedding will be one spectacular  event indeed!   They already know they want to be married in June, and to have mostly close friends and family in attendance.  

     to be continued in Chapter 12  Wedding Plans Gone South?


Lucy and Natsu's  Love Story (AU)  *A Fairy Tail Fan fiction*  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now