Chapter 2 Lucy's Secret Crush

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       Lucy smiles at Natsu and he smiles at her in return.  They both blush just a little.

       "Lucy?"  Natsu says.

      "Yes, Natsu!"  Lucy says.

     "Luce," he uses the nickname he gave her as a child,  "do you ever think you will have a crush?" Natsu says.

    "Y-yeah, as I matter a fact, I do!  I already have a crush!"  Lucy says. She suddenly feels a bit shy about it.

   "R-really?  Who is he ?"  Natsu says.

  "Oh, I really can't say. " Lucy says.

  "Come on Luce, tell me!  I promise not to laugh."  Natsu says.

  "  I am sorry, but I can't."  Lucy says.

  "Why not Luce?"  Natsu says. He feels a bit jealous of whoever it is that Lucy likes.

"It is just he does not know and probably does not feel the same for me."  Lucy says.

  "Well, whoever he is must be blind."  Natsu says.

  " I suppose he is blind when it comes to love."  Lucy says.

  "Love?  You love this guy?" Natsu says.  He has a hurt look in his eyes and sound to his voice.  

  "Yes, I love him with all my heart!"  Lucy replies.

  Natsu sighs and looks away from her. He feels hurt.  Heartbroken even, why how can he confess his love for her now when she has some in mind of her very own?  He feels sad as if his very purpose in life for existence is over.  He tries to put on  a fake smile for her, but fails.  He finds himself in tears.  He lets the tears fall without another word.  He thinks, it is my own fault it came to this.  

Natsu's POV:  Lucy,  I love you!  I wish I could tell you, but now it seems to be all for naught.  I mean it.  It is obvious, my Luce is in love!  I can tell by the way her eyes glow and how happy she is when she talks about her secret crush.  Who am I to stand in her way?  Maybe, I should just move on.  Perhaps, it is what is best for her and for me as well!  I mean what is the use of  allowing myself to love the one girl who loves some one else.  I know she never said as much in so many words.  I can tell the way she tries to turn me down gently that she is smitten with him and that he is one fortunate-no that is not it- he is one blessed guy to be loved by her.  

 Lucy's POV:  I see Natsu cry.  I wonder what has taken place to make him feel this way.  I mean it is not as if he could feel for me the way I do about my crush, right?  Nah, that is impossible!  Pull yourself, together,  Lucy!  I must admit though, Natsu is right about one thing, the man I love is blind. Blind when it comes to love that is!  I mean how could he possibly see that I love him in more ways than one?  It is just not possible, is it?   I mean when I look at the man I love I see the two of us together on many adventures, one of those such adventures includes our wedding!  I feel silly for how my thoughts have gotten away with me again.  I  glance at Natsu when he thinks I am not and I sigh.  I  wonder, why is in pain?  who did this to him?  Whoever she is I will make her pay, when I find out she is the one who hurt Natsu!  Natsu may be my best friend, but to me he is way more than this.  He is my business partner, best friend, and one whom I adore!  I have no idea when exactly it was I feel in love for him, but I did!  I never meant for this to happen.  I feel awkward about the whole thing.  I mean how am to act around him now that I know I love him?  

Natsu's  POV:  I see Lucy look my way.  I blush!  I can't help it.  I have this feeling around her that I get when she enters the room.  No one else makes me feel this way.  I am sure of this if not of anything else in life.  I love her!  I love, Lucy!  I feel awful about it.   I mean here I am in love with my childhood best friend and she is love as well.  Only she appears to love some man to whom I have no pleasure of having met.  I have no clues who my competition could be, nor do I intend to find out.  I mean as long as she is happy, isn't that what really matters?  Her happiness means more to me than my own.  Her happiness means more to me than the entire world!  

     "Luce, I wish you the best!" Natsu says.

    "Thanks, and I wish you the same."  Lucy says.

     "Well, Luce!  I guess this is it!  See ya!"  Natsu says.

    "Yeah, s-see ya!"  Lucy says.

         Natsu leaves and thinks, whoever he is the one who I hope takes good care of her for me!  I mean it, if I can't be happy with her, than this other guy better take care of her.  If he doesn't than he will have to answer to me.

   Lucy watches him leave. She puts her hands in her lap. She thinks, Oh, Natsu!  I wish I could just come out with it!  Why is it so hard to confess the truth?

     Lucy's  POV:  I head home after Natsu leaves.  I can tell something is on his mind.  I have no idea what it could be.  I only know that he seems hurt.  I  hope whatever it is that in time his wound will heal.  I wish I could be the one to heal his broken heart.  I know this is impossible though as a guy like that can not ever love a girl like me!  I  mean it.  I am too good for him. I sigh as I arrive home.  I feel so foolish, for not just coming out with the truth!  Ugh, even if it ruins our friendship and I loose him forever, wouldn't the truth be better than this?   I can only imagine what Levy, Ezra, Juvia or even Gray would say if they knew who my crush was. They would probably  feel sorry for me and tell me not to waste my love on such a person as Natsu Dragneel.  I can't  help it though.  I mean it.  He was my first real friend, and somehow over time he became my best friend.  I  shall never love anyone the same way I do my dragon friend, Natsu!  I  don't care if his hair is bright pink, if he makes such lousy  jokes no one else laughs at them, and I even no longer care if Happy and him just barge on into my home.  I only know that I will never love anyone else the same way I love him!  His happiness means a lot to me.  I know that now.

    to be continued in  Chapter 3  Lucy's Birthday?  

Lucy and Natsu's  Love Story (AU)  *A Fairy Tail Fan fiction*  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now