Chapter 14 Natsu's Surprise?

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        One year later...

       Natsu and Lucy have been married for an entire year now!  Natsu is away at work.  He knows his wife has been ill for a couple of weeks now.  He worries for her and hopes it is not anything serious.   He can not help, but wonder what it is that makes her feel so bad?   He is no medical professional, but even he can see she is not her usual perky self.  He can tell she has mood swings,  headaches, chills, and more.  He thinks,  maybe she has the flu.  He knows there is  a lot of people with the flu lately.

       Lucy is sick in the bed.  She wonders, how soon should I tell him?   The doctor has gone home already by now.   Lucy still can not believe it herself!  She is pregnant with her and Natsu's  child!  She is so excited!  She so happy that it is not a stomach bug, or the flu.  She is shows her relief at once when she laughs a bit.  She pulls out a ball of yarn.  She smiles as she finds her crochet hook and begins to make a small scarf.  She figures this is a good way to pass the time.

    Lucy can hardly wait to see the look on Natsu's  face when he finds out about their good news!  She hopes he will be happy!   She giggles.  She needs not worry about a thing like this. She knows he will.  She wonders,  Hmm, what we should name the baby?   She keeps on with her crochet project. She hopes to get it done in time for the babies birth.  This way, the little one will not have a cold neck when he or she comes home from the hospital in a few months.

   Natsu comes home early.  He is glad his boss let him.  He can hardly wait to see his lovely wife.  He enters the house, and notices how quiet it is at the moment.  He smiles.  He thinks, maybe she takes a nap.  He  walks into their bedroom and smiles when he sees her up in bed as she crochets.  

  "Hey, sweetheart!  Does this mean you feel a bit better?"  Natsu says.

    "Whoa, Natsu you are home, really early!"  Lucy says.

     "I know, my boss left me off early today.  So, are you better yet?"  Natsu says with concern in his voice for his wife.

   "Yes, it is just a simple doze of  morning sickness, you know!"  Lucy remarks.

  "Oh, yes that is fine then.  Wait,morning sickness?  You mean you are pregnant?"  Natsu says.

   "Yes, I am!  It is so exciting!"  Lucy says.

   "Yes, I am so happy!  I am having a child with my darling, Luce!"  Natsu says.  

    Natsu smiles big as he hugs her.  Then, he kisses her.  He smiles.

   "What is that for dear?"  Natsu says as he points to the scarf she works on in front of him.

  "Oh, this is a little something for our son, or daughter!"  Lucy says.

   "Cool, you are really something, Luce!"  Natsu says.

   "Thanks, darling!"  Lucy says.

   Lucy finishes the scarf a few moments later.  "Tada, it is done!  Now, I will make a hat, some gloves, a sweater, some socks, a blanket and a few shirts!"  Lucy says.

   "The scarf looks great!  I am sure it will look even better on our child though."  Natsu says.

    "Thanks, dear!  I think so too."  Lucy remarks, as  she smiles at her husband.

      Lucy's  POV:  I am so blessed!  I have a great man, who loves me, he is my husband!  I love him too!  I have a little one on the way!  I am so happy!  I can not hardly stand it.

     Natsu wraps his arms lovingly around his wife.  He still can hardly believe it !  He, Natsu Dragneel is going to be a father!  He is so thrilled.  He smiles a huge cheesy grin.  He hopes he can be a great father to his child.

    Lucy is happy too as she sits on the bed, with her husband Natsu's  arms around her as she relaxes.  She makes a hat with the yarn next.  She yawns a few minutes later as she finishes the hat.  She lays her head down on Natsu's  shoulder and falls asleep.

  Natsu does not move as his wife sleeps.  He remains right where he is to give her support.  He decides he wants to be there for her.  He wants her to know he loves both her and their baby to born in a few months.  He picks up his cell phone and text  Gray to tell him the good news.  He smiles when he sees the response from Gray.

   Natsu's  POV:  I am one blessed man to have the  love of my wife, Lucy!  To have a baby on the way!  To have the privilege to be a father!  Wow!   This is great!  I look forward to my future with my wife, and our son or daughter both by my side. My family of two, will soon be a family of  three!  

  Natsu lays his head down on Lucy's  shoulder.  He too  soon drifts off to sleep.  He finds himself to be rather sleepy and tired all of a sudden.  It is probably because of all the worry for his wife.  

   Lucy wakes up and sees Natsu is still asleep.  She gets up, goes into the kitchen, fixes a glass of ice water, a bowl of cereal and a few peaches.  She eats the food, puts the dirty dishes into the dishwasher, notices it is rather full, so she starts it up before she returns to the bedroom she shares with her hubby.  Once  back in the master bedroom, she laughs when she hears Natsu snore in  his sleep.  She thinks, the sound is rather cute actually.  She kisses him on his forehead.

   Lucy's  POV:  Natsu snores in his sleep.  His hair looks a bit funny, but is still so handsome.  He is the best thing that has ever happened to me!  I am glad we met, I am glad we are married and that we have a boy or girl on the way!  Wow, this is a awesome life indeed!

   to be continued in Chapter  15  Time to Launch?





Lucy and Natsu's  Love Story (AU)  *A Fairy Tail Fan fiction*  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now