Chapter 10 Nalu's First Date!

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     Natsu took Lucy out for their first date.  The two had a great time!  They took a stroll in the village, then they climb a tree together to look at the stars.  They get down from the tree, and take a few photos together.  They go back to Lucy's  and share a slice of apple pie.  Overall, it was a good day!

    Natsu's  POV:  Lucy was eager to go out with me!  I admit the whole thing was nice. It was good to be able to spend time alone with my Luce!  I am happy, she agreed to be my girlfriend!   I can not imagine being a more happy guy than I am right now.

   Lucy's  POV:  Natsu, is such a nut!  He takes me for a walk, but the entire time he stares at me. This makes me blush, and he teases me about cute I look with a red complexion!   Then, he takes me to a tree.  I  look at him in confusion. He climbs up the tree and grabs my hand. He pulls me up there with him.  The two of us gaze at the stars!  I admit I am never stop being amazed at the infinite number of the stars, and all the different sizes each one seems to have to it.  It sure is a beautiful sight to see.  We get out of the tree, and take  a few pictures together!   Last, we go to my apartment where we eat some apple pie.  There is only one slice left, so we share it.  I laugh as Natsu gets some of the cool whip I put on top of the pie all over his face!  He looks so adorable like this.

   Natsu's  POV:  I get some cool whip on my face.  Does Lucy offer to whip it off, or hand me a napkin?  No, she just laughs at me.  I laugh with her, so she can not see how upset I am.  Why it actually annoys me that she would laugh at me like this.  Who told her to make fun of her only boyfriend like this?   I admit though the fact she dates me is really something!

       "Lucy, what is so funny?"  Natsu ask.

    "You have cool whip all over your face!  It  is just you look so cute like that! Ha, ha!"  Lucy says. She giggles some more. 

   "Oh, really now!  Perhaps, I should make a mess of my  face more often then, if you think it suits me so much."  Natsu says to tease her.

   "Oh, Natsu!  I love you!"  Lucy says.

   "I love you too!"  Natsu says.

    Natsu smiles at Lucy.  He is glad the two of them finally told each other how they felt.  Now, they are finally a couple.  He is so happy to be Lucy's  boyfriend and can tell she is happy to be his girlfriend as well.

     "Come on Natsu, let's  watch a movie!"  Lucy says.

    "Okay, sure Luce!"  Natsu says.

       Lucy picks out the movie.  As she puts it into the player, Natsu plays with her hair. She blushes and he just smiles.  The movie begins and the lovebirds snuggle next to each. Natsu wraps his arm around Lucy and she relaxes.  Natsu and Lucy look on as the characters in the movie, get in a fight.  Lucy cries when the guy walks off and says, he never wants to see the girl again.  Later, when the girls is said to have died, Lucy cries even more. Natsu cries at this scene too.  Goodness, this movie seems  a  bit sad, for a date night movie,is what Natsu thinks.  The next part, shows the same boy in tears since he thinks his love is gone.   The girl comes up to him and hugs him.  They  make up!  The boy and girl kiss!  The movie is so long, Natsu falls asleep before he can find out if the boy and girl end up together in the end, or not.  

      Lucy smiles and tucks a blanket around him.  She puts the movie back in its case, and returns it to the bookshelf in the room where she stores her movies.  She goes back to check on Natsu and he is still asleep. She turns off the light, kisses Natsu on the forehead, and whispers,  "Good night, sleepy head! "   Then, she goes to her bathroom, gets ready for bed and goes to sleep.  She sleeps well.  She did have a long day after all.  The date was the best one yet!  

      Lucy's  POV:  I  went to bed satisfied our date was the best one ever! I know it was only our first date, but it was still wonderful.  I smile when I remember my cute boyfriend is asleep downstairs on my sofa.  I giggle a little to myself, as I try to protest my sleep.  Eventually, though due to all my fun and being tired, I doze off anyway.

       to be continued in Chapter 11  One year Later:  Surprise?

Lucy and Natsu's  Love Story (AU)  *A Fairy Tail Fan fiction*  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now