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(*Part of this chapter is from the smut book, so majority of it will be the same. You can just skip it if you've already read it lol.*)

Youngjae woke up to the bright sunlight in his eyes. He squinted, rubbing his eyes as his brain started to power up from its slumber. He yawned, planning on sitting up and stretching his arms as he usually does, until he felt himself unable to move. He felt something warm against his back, and hot puff of air against the nape of his neck while something tight was wrapped around his waist.

It suddenly clicked in Youngjae's sleepy mind, his eyes widening as he realized what occurred over night. Youngjae turned his head behind him just enough to see the calm sleeping face of the person that he had briefly forgotten he allowed to sleep with him. Mark rested peacefully with his arms wrapped around Youngjae, and his body pressed snugly against the younger's. Youngjae was fully awake now, and fully aware of Mark's closeness to him.

He had originally not wanted Mark to sleep with him, and if he had know this would happen, he would've told the elder that he couldn't. Youngjae didn't really know how to maneuver his way out of Mark's arms. The elder was sleeping peacefully, and Youngjae didn't want to wake him up and freak him out. He was sure that Mark unintentionally did this, and if he wakes up and sees that he's using Youngjae as a teddy bear, he would definitely become embarrassed.

Youngjae tried to think of how to get himself out of this position, slowly beginning to move away from Mark. He moved his limbs at a snails pace, trying his hardest not to wake the elder. Mark wasn't exactly the deepest sleeper, but he liked to sleep, so if Youngjae accidentally does wake him, there is a good chance that he would just groan and go back into his slumber. Youngjae awkwardly rolled out of Mark's arms, just needing to move a few more inches away to fully free himself.

Yet he was shocked when he was suddenly yanked backwards, Mark's hands grabbing and pulling Youngjae back into his original position. Mark squeezed his arms around Youngjae tighter, trapping the younger in them.

"Don't go." Mark mumbled against Youngjae's back.

Youngjae shuddered at the weird sensation of Mark's breath against his back. He froze, not exactly knowing what to do now. Mark just told him not to go... was he sleep talking? That had to be it, Mark wouldn't be purposely holding Youngjae like this, he must be dreaming.

With this assumption in mind, Youngjae tried to escape again, repeating his actions that he did before. He was even more careful than last time since he didn't want to disturb Mark's dream. Yet as he moved, he barely made it even halfway out before he was being pulled back in.

"Didn't I tell you not to go?" Mark said in a more firm voice, the deep rumbling sound resonating through Youngjae's body.

"Mark? Are you awake?" Youngjae asked hesitantly, not wanting to wake Mark up if he really was sleep talking.

"Now I am." Mark responded, catching Youngjae off gaurd.

Youngjae felt Mark's breath against his neck, the warm air making his whole body shudder with a tingly sensation. "Oh... so you were dreaming before? Talking in your sleep or something?"

"No, I was awake." Mark said casually, as if what was going on between them was completely normal.

Youngjae was shocked. So Mark wasn't dreaming, he was fully awake this whole time. Meaning that he purposefully kept pulling Youngjae back into his arms. Well, that changes a lot. "Oh... th-then, who were you talking to?"

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