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Youngjae woke up the next morning surprised. Mark was nowhere to be found, and it wasn't like he didn't remember falling asleep with the elder, especially since his body was still sore from the aggressive night they had. He felt relaxed though, a wave of relief running through his body.

He felt so suffocated when Mark was around, the elder would just never give him the space he wanted. He felt like he was able to take a deep breath of fresh air in that moment though, lounging around in his room like he usually does when he doesn't want to get out of bed.

Youngjae knew at some point he'd have to get up, and though he dreaded it, he eventually dragged himself out of bed and walked out. He glanced down the hallway for any signs of Mark, slowly walking down to the kitchen as quietly as he could to get himself something to eat.

This was truly pathetic. Why did Youngjae had to tip toe around the house to avoid his friend? There's no reason for it, yet Youngjae knew that if Mark saw him, he'd be back under the elder's possessive hold. Youngjae cherished the little bit of freedom he had, and he was gonna try and make the most of it.

As he entered the kitchen he spotted someone, his stomach twisting as it looked like Mark for a second. A wave of relief washed over him when he realized it was just Jackson, also getting himself something to eat. Youngjae walked into the kitchen showing his presence when he walked over and opened the cereal cabinet. Jackson looked at him, examining the younger who quietly prepare himself a bowl of cereal.

"Hey Youngjae..." Jackson greeted, his eyes scanning the younger's face.

"Morning." Youngjae greeted back, taking his bowl of cereal and heading to the table.

Youngjae could feel Jackson watching him, and he knew that the elder must have questions. The last time Jackson had saw him was when he was being dragged off by Mark. Jackson wasn't the type to just let stuff go, and Youngjae waited for the questions to be thrown at him.

"Is... everything okay? Are you okay?" Jackson asked just as Youngjae predicted he would.

Youngjae nodded, sitting down and watching Jackson sit across the table from him. "Yeah I'm fine."

Jackson sighed, looking down at his own bowl of cereal. "Um... look, I've noticed you and Mark become closer recently... but... yesterday..."

"Don't worry about it." Youngjae quickly stated, cutting Jackson off. He really didn't want to talk about it all that much, he wanted to enjoy his time away from Mark, not think about him.

Yet Jackson refused to leave the subject alone. "But... he dragged you away all angrily. And you two went into his room, I don't know what you and his relationship is, but the sounds I heard from behind that closed door..."

Youngjae dropped his spoon in his bowl, glaring at Jackson. "I said I'm fine, didn't I? I said not to worry about it, right? So why are you still asking? I'm okay. I'm fine."

"You have hickies on your neck. And... a bruise on your wrist..." Jackson pointed out.

Youngjae self consciously touched his neck. He hadn't seen himself in the mirror yet, and he wondered how he must look. "So? Mind your business."

Jackson leaned forward, locking eyes with Youngjae. "Youngjae I'm not gonna sit here and listen you lie to me. What the hell is going on between you and Mark? Tell me now."

Youngjae shook his head, shoving more cereal into his mouth. "We just had a rough night, okay?"

"There's a difference between a rough night and abuse." Jackson stated, disliking how Youngjae was trying to avoid the discussion.

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