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Youngjae had taken a little nap on his couch for a few hours to get some energy for the photoshoot Got7 was scheduled for later that day. He awoke and looked at the timer, realizing that he had to be ready to leave soon. He got up, stretching his body before quickly washing his face and gathering the few belongings he usually carries with him everyday.

He got down to the lobby of his apartment, receiving a text from the managers that they'll be there shortly to pick him up. Though to Youngjae's surprise, and dismay, he also had a few messages from Mark also lighting up his screen. Youngjae dreaded opening them, but of course the younger's curiosity got the best of him and he tapped the message notification from the eldest.

Mark: Hey beautiful.

Youngjae felt his heart thump from the first message. He hated Mark complimenting him ,yet all Mark does is compliment him. And Youngjae absolutely hates how good it makes him feel, because who doesn't like compliments? He liked hearing nice things about himself, but just not from Mark, the guy who has literally been turning Youngjae's world upside down for the past day or so. He doesn't want to feel attraction towards Mark, but his heart does skip a little beat at all the nice things Mark says.

Mark: You there?
Mark: I miss you😓
Mark: I want to be with you right now
Mark: especially if we would be in the same bed 🙈🤤
Mark: are you asleep?
Mark: Alright baby well, at least call me when you wake up?
Mark : rest well cutie 😘😍

Youngjae groaned aloud, how much more annoying could Mark be? Youngjae would delete his number, if it weren't for the fact that they work together and also that Youngjae still thinks of him as a close friend. He was so done with dealing with him though. It feels exhausting after every interaction. Youngjae put his phone back in his pocket, completely ignoring the texts. He was not going to call Mark, that would just be feeding into Mark's whole crazy world of thinking, which was the last thing Youngjae wanted to do.

He saw the car pull up outside and Youngjae walked out to climb in it. He greeted the manager that was in it before settling into his seat. He was glad that no one else was around, he assumed that the others were already ahead of him on their way to the venue all together. Just to make sure though, Youngjae decided to ask.

"Um, are the others already there?" Youngjae asked curiously.

The manager nodded. "Yeah, everyone else is almost at the place already, you're the last..."

Youngjae felt relieved, he sort of didn't want to deal with anyone else, he just wanted a nice quiet car ride alone.

"... except Mark." The manager finished.

Youngjae froze, his brows furrowing. "What do you mean except Mark?"

"Mark has a solo schedule today, he didn't tell you? We gotta go pick him up, then head to the shoot." The manager stated.

Youngjae wanted to bang his head against the seat. He was so close, so close to not having to see Mark until they got to the venue. But of course the universe works against him.

"You mind calling him?" The manager asked.

Youngjae wanted to throw his phone out the window. He literally just made the decision to not call Mark, then here come the manager asking him to call. Youngjae didn't want to be rude to their manager, he had nothing to do with this, but he definitely didn't want to call Mark either.

"Um, c-can't you call him?" Youngjae asked as politely as he could.

The manager frowned. "Youngjae I'm driving, so unless you want me to get a ticket... I mean, why can't you call him? Fight or something?"

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