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Youngjae woke up to that familiar feeling he woke up with the day before, arms wrapped tightly around him with a body pressed against his back. He was also met with another familiar feeling of awkwardness and uncomfort, wanting to somehow get out of the position without waking Mark up.

That was proven to be impossible, since again he tried to slowly creep out of Mark's hold, and again Mark was awoken and pulled him back. Youngjae regretted doing yet another sexual thing with Mark, since that only gave Mark more incentive to attack Youngjae with his seduction whenever he wanted. If Youngjae responds positively to Mark's advances, then obviously Mark is going to keep doing them, which will only make Youngjae more freaked out about their relationship. Youngjae tried to sneak away again, but this time Mark groaned and rolled on top of him, trapping the younger under his body.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mark asked Youngjae who was startled by the sudden change in positions.

"I-I'm getting up, it's morning..." Youngjae stated, unable to look Mark in the eyes.

"You always try to escape from me, can't we cuddle a bit longer?" Mark mumbled, his lips pressing lightly to Youngjae's cheek.

So Mark does realize that Youngjae is trying to leave undetected, which seemed to be why he's not allowing the younger to do so now. "Because... we gotta like, get up and stuff..."

"There's no schedule today. Just stay in bed with me. We can continue our fun from last night if you want..." Mark suggested, his tone dropping an octave lower as he started trailing kisses down Youngjae's jaw. "...I think it ended much too quickly." He whispered.

Youngjae shuddered, a soft moan escaping him as Mark sucked at his neck. He couldn't do this again with Mark. If he wanted the elder to stop chasing after him, he can't keep allowing these intimate things to happen between them. "Mark no, I'm getting up."

Mark was a little shocked at the firmness in Youngjae's voice, since it seemed like he always tried to be kind when he said things. Mark was quiet for a moment, looking as if he were deciding something before speaking. "Fine, you can get up. But only after I get a proper kiss."

Youngjae furrowed his brows, not really wanting to kiss Mark. "Um, no thanks, I just want to get up."

"No. I said after a kiss. You either kiss me and get up, or you give me your body and stay in bed all day." Mark stated, giving Youngjae seemingly unwavering options.

Youngjae shook his head, giving Mark an incredulous look. "There's no difference between the options, I'd still be doing something that I don't want to do, and you'd still be getting what you want. Either way it's a lose for me and a win for you."

Mark suddenly leaned in close, startling Youngjae with the swiftness. His warm breath ghosted across Youngjae's face, the closeness between them sending Youngjae's heart into rapid pitter patters. "Are you sure it's something you don't want though?"

Youngjae swallowed hard. With Marks voice becoming so taunting, and the elder's lips so close and inviting to his own, he started to want Mark all over him again, that familiar feeling of a fire of desire being set ablaze inside of him. "I-I... don't want..."

Mark chuckled at Youngjae's inability to finish his sentence, and he took the liberty to make Youngjae's choice for him, closing the small distance there was between their lips. Mark kissed Youngjae softly and slowly, his hands moving up to hold the younger's head in place as he deepened their lip lock. Youngjae hated how easily Mark could get him to do whatever he wanted; he hated being so easy to persuade and seduce. But, he loved the way Mark made him feel, the softness of his lips, the taste of his tongue when it dipped into his mouth and swirled with his own, Youngjae couldn't get enough, and it showed when Mark finally pulled away and watched Youngjae chase his lips for more.

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