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The car ride was even more silent than before.

Youngjae could barely believe what happened. Just a little bit over 10 minutes ago, he was climaxing from Mark's ministrations of pleasure on him. Youngjae was shocked at Mark's actions and his own. Mark kissed him to death before putting on his clothes and hopping back in the drivers seat, leaving Youngjae frozen in his own seat.

Did Youngjae really just allow this to happen? No, he tried to stop it, but it eventually felt too good to stop. But, does that mean Youngjae wants Mark as more than a friend as well? Or was that just becuase Mark got Youngjae horny at the time and he needed a release?

Youngjae wasn't sure, his own emotions bottles up and confused in himself. His ass hurt a bit, and his underwear was wet from lack of a tissue or anything to clean himself with. Mark was really taking him home this time, though Youngjae was genuinely willing to walk at this point, he just wanted to get as far away from Mark as possible.

Mark though, obviously wanted the complete opposite. His hand was squeezing Youngjae's thigh as he drove, the elder not taking one hand off of the younger since the erotic events that happened a while ago. Youngjae didn't know what to think of himself or of Mark. He felt that Mark was way too forward and pushy, yet Mark didn't necessarily force Youngjae to have sex with him either. He didn't threaten Youngjae or anything, all he did was continuously confess his love. So is Youngjae equally at fault for this?

Youngjae didn't know, and it was hard to focus on that topic with Mark constantly glancing at him and squeezing his thigh, the elder's fingers way too close to something a bit more sensitive. But Mark had already familiarized himself with Youngjae's body, so the elder knew what he was doing.

"Youngjae." Mark called, making Youngjae jolt in his seat from the sound of his name. "I'm really happy, y'know?"

Youngjae swallowed hard. Why did Mark keep saying that? Youngjae wanted to be pissed off at him for everything, but how could he when he'd confess how happy he was? Youngjae still felt really weird about everything though, and he refused to talk at all.

"Baby, I love you so much, do you understand that? I've wanted to claim you as mine for the longest." Mark stated.

Youngjae began to recognize the streets again; they were getting closer to his house. He was focused on getting home, but he definitely heard what Mark said. 'Claim'? Was Youngjae now some sort of object to Mark?

"What am I, a sex toy?" Youngjae asked, finally talking after a long silence.

"No, of course not. You're way more than that to me. I love every bit of you, and I want you to be mine." Mark stated calmly, his hand still on Youngjae's thigh.

"Mark...." Youngjae trailed off, shaking his head as he tried to get his thoughts together. "... I understand having a crush on someone, and I get how it can make you do irrational things but... kidnapping me and seducing me into sex is just... way too much."

"Kidnapping?" Mark questioned, almost as if he'd never heard the word before.

"You were supposed to be taking me home." Youngjae stated, his groceries stilll in the trunk and never reaching the house.

"I am taking you home." Mark said, taking another turn down another familiar street.

"You're taking me home after you've fucked me." Youngjae stated, getting more annoyed with Mark.

"I made love to you. Because I love you." Mark said, repeating those three annoying words for another time.

"Stop saying that!" Youngjae yelled, catching Mark off gaurd with the sudden rise in volume. "Quit saying you love me! That's weird! How can you say you love someone, but make them so uncomfortable most of the time!?"

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