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Youngjae woke up yet again in Mark's arms. Except they weren't home. And he wasn't desperate to escape Mark's hold. He actually enjoyed laying there with him; Mark's warm figure pressed against him in the most comfortable position. He didn't know if he should feel this comfortable with Mark considering all that's happened, but it was actually a breath of fresh air to not feel afraid of him or shackled down by him; Youngjae actually felt rather affectionate.

Though he refrained from showing that affection, since he wasn't exactly clear about what he was feeling towards Mark. He definitely liked Mark to a certain extent, but it was hard to forget the other side of Mark; the terrible side of Mark that Youngjae really disliked.

He didn't know how far his feelings went on the scale of meaningless physical attraction to genuine feelings, and the lines further blurred the more Mark showed these two different sides of himself. Youngjae just knew what he felt in the moment, and in the moment he felt his insides melting from the soft kisses Mark trailed down the nape of his neck as the elder rose from his slumber, feeling Mark's arms grip him tightly around his waist.

"Morning beautiful." Mark whispered into Youngjae's ear, to which Youngjae could hardly respond to besides a pathetic squeak of "M-Morning..." in response.

Mark chuckled, his deep morning voice sending chills down Youngjae's spine. "You're so cute. I wanna lay here and snuggle you all day."

Youngjae found himself unable to protest Mark's desire; since snuggling all day sounded like a lovely way to waste time. Though soon after, he felt Mark pulling away from him, the elder's arms unraveling from around him as Mark got up from the bed.

"But unfortunately we have to be out of here in about two hours. We can snuggle when we get home, okay?" Mark stated, looking down at Youngjae who stared back at him with a frown.

To Youngjae's own surprise, he actually whined in response, his inner desire for Mark to come back to bed showing itself in his needy protest. He felt himself blushing, his cheeks warm as blood rushed to them out of his embarrassment. Mark just smiled at him, leaning down to kiss Youngjae's forehead and ruffle his hair.

"Don't give me that look, you know I can't resist you baby." He mumbled, watching Youngjae further swoon for his soothing voice. "I said we can do it when we get home. Come wash up so we can go."

Youngjae reluctantly rolled himself out of bed, dragging himself to the shower to wash. Him and Mark took their time getting ready, dressing themselves and gathering their remaining things before finally leaving their room, checking out of the hotel at the last minute. As Youngjae got into the car he looked over at the love hotel, amazed at how his first experience there was nearly perfect; all because of Mark. Youngjae's doubts about Mark were slowly fading, and he felt himself sink even deeper into confusion about his feelings towards the elder.

He wants to like Mark, yet he feels hesitant, like he shouldn't indulge in those feelings when there are so many other factors that push him away from Mark. Again he was stuck between a rock and a hard place, his final decision about the whole thing still unclear.

They drove back to the dorm, quietly walking in to not disturb whoever may be home. Mark turned and took the bag Youngjae had in his hand, pressing a small kiss to his cheek.

"Let me go put this stuff away." Mark said, flashing a smile before disappearing down the hall.

Youngjae nodded, watching him go before walking over to the couch. He flopped down onto the cushions with a sigh, replaying the past 48 hours in his head. It was truly amazing how fast Mark could change. Amazing and terrifying at the same time.

Youngjae heard a door open from down the hall, listening to the footsteps of someone who he recognized wasn't Mark.

"Youngjae?" Jackson called as he entered the living room, his eyes wide as he looked at the younger perched on the couch.

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