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Yay I'm actually truthful to my word for once, I said I was putting up a new story and I did. Yay! Anyways please, any and all constructive critism is welcome and flames will only fuel my desire to write bahaha. So if you hate girlxgirl stuff then this story is not for you, anyways it's......STORYTIME!!!

The human mind is a fragile thing, it can bend and twist, but what happens when it snaps?

Chapter 1

Ella step in to the classroom and all eyes focused on her. This was one of the perks of being late to class, everyone looked at like you had just murdered five people. Her face turned a bright shade of red and she quickly moved down the many aisles of chairs and desks trying to reach the back of the room as quickly as possible.

But she didn't reach it soon enough, on her way to the back she heard whispers like, "what a freak", "what the hell is her problem" and the worse thing she heard was, "what's wrong with her face?"

You see, Ella didn't grow up in the most friendly neighbor hood, or with the nicest family. She had been abused both physically and mentally for the first 17 years of her life, after she turned 18, she left and she never once looked back. Not caring what happened to her family or her neighbors. For you see, she hated her family, they had made her an outcast, a freak....a monster....


"NO DONT!! PLEASE!" Ella cried and begged but her pleas fell on deaf ears. The knife cut a bit farther and Ella let out a scream that could shatter glass.


"Shut up you worthless peice of trash, don't you know that you'll never be loved now that moms gone?"

Tears streamed down Ella's face as she starred at her brother in pure terror. The person she was suppose to trust most in the world was disfiguring her face because he was bored, her own brother, her last family...

He cut a bit more and Ella let out a muffled scream. Muffled because her brother had put his hand over her mouth and refused to move it.

He cut more and more. She had no energy left to scream, she wished that she would just pass out, lose consciousness and wake up to find that it was all just a horrible nightmare. But she knew it wasn't a nightmare, she knew that it was the cold reality.

"Almost done now, little sis"

End flashback

Ever since that horrible day...ever since then Ella had had horrible ragid scars on either side of her face....from her eyes to her ears...doctors and surgeons had tried to repair all the damage but they only made it worse...

Ella had learned to live with her scars but it still bothered her whenever she heard people talk about them. She knew it bothered them and that they'd never get use to it but she hoped that she'd find at least one person who didn't care...she wanted to find someone different...someone who accepted all of her flaws and imperfections...

Outcast (Lesbian Story) ((On Hold))Where stories live. Discover now