Part 3

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Ella opened her eyes and was greeted with a harsh white light. She groaned and put her arm over her eyes, shielding them from the bright disturbance.
She slowly moved her arm, giving her eyes time to adjust to the light. She looked around and saw that she was in a hospital room. She looked to her left to see what they had hooked her up to and she was shocked to see that a chair had been moved towards the bed. But what had really shocked her was the fact that, said chair, was occupied.
In it was the same girl from earlier, the one that had stood up for her. Ella studied the sleeping girls features, noticing that the two of them were pretty much the opposite. The girl being short and tan, with short, blond curls sitting on top of her head. Ella though, was tall and pale, with long straight, black silken strands adorning her head.
"Oh good, you're awake."
Ella looked at the nurse who had just entered the room. she pressed her finger to her lips and pointed to the sleeping girl.
"Oops sorry," she whispered "So how are you feeling?"
The nurse chuckled quietly, "Good, that means the treatment worked."
"Treatment for what?"
The nurse and Ella both looked at the girl.
"Well," the nurse explained, "when Ella transforms into her 'alter ego' her muscles rapidly expand and contract. If she transform too quickly her heart could stop."
"Wait," the girl said "you could've died and yet you protected me anyways. why?"
"You're the only one who's ever protected me," Ella said "and I wanted to return the favor..."
"But you could've died..."
"I'd rather die protecting those who care than live amongst those who don't."
They stared at each other, emerald eyes meeting aquamarine ones.
"You don't even know my name,"
"And you don't know mine,"
The girl sighed, "Touché, I'm Raegen."
"I'm Ella,"
"Pleasure to meet you Ella," Raegen held out her hand.
Ella smiled and shook Raegens hand, "Pleasure to meet you too,"
The nurse cleared her throat, "Sorry to interrupt, but I need to discuss some things with Ella."
"Oh, right," Raegen stood up, "sorry."
"You're fine dear, no need to apologize," the nurse said, "You can wait in the hall if you'd like, it'll only be a minute."
"Right ok, Reagen headed towards the door but tripped over the chair leg. she quickly straightened up, hiding her red face behind her blond hair. Then she quickly walked out of the room.
The nurse crossed her arms and looked at Ella, "What made you protect her?"
"I don't know....I just...i didn't want her to get hurt," she stuttered, "I....i don't know how to explain it."
"Alright, I'll accept that," the nurse smirked "for now at least. But next time don't transform so quickly, you know what could happen."
"Yeah I know Elise. Believe it or not I've been told before."
"Smartass," Elise chuckled "Now, I suggest you stay home for a few days, avoid any strenuous activity."
"Doctors orders?"
"My orders, now go home girly."
Ella stood up and preformed a mock salute, "Aye aye captian."
Elise chuckled and opened the door for her. However, before either of them could leave Reagen ran in and hid behind the two of them.
"I broke her nose..."
Ella eyes darkened and she walked into the hall to find Stacy, with a bandage on her nose and a cast on her hand.
"You!" she yelled, "You're the bitch that broke my hand!"
Stacy started to march towards Ella but before she even got close the elevator doors opened and security guards ran out. They went straight up to Stacy and pulled her arms behind her back and put hand cuffs on her.
"What the hell?" she screamed, "Let go of me you idiots!"
Elise laughed and walked out of the room with Reagen, "This is the best part about being a nurse," she held up a little remote with only one button on it, "I get my own panic button."
Ella smiled and Reagen laughed.
"Now," Elise said while walking away, "go home you two."
"I would," Ella sighed, "if I had my car keys...and my car."
"Don't worry, I can drive you home."
Ella looked at Reagen, "You sure? I kinda live in the middle of nowhere."
"Yes I'm sure, besides we can talk on the way there."
"Are you sure you're sure? I could always hitch."
Reagen giggled and grabbed Ella's hand and began walking towards the entrance, "Let's go weirdo."

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