Chapter 1

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It was a flash in time, from my childhood to now. I was always a good person, following by the rules... I am currently 25 years old.... or should I say, was 25 years old before I died. My life was pretty simple: get up, go to school or work, and to bed. That was until one day, December, 27th, 2018. I was walking home from work, like usual. I don't have a license, I've always had a fear of driving.

It was a rather frustrating night at work, my manager yelled at me for mixing up a few things. So I was quite timid walking home alone.

It was about 11:18pm, and I felt like I was being followed. I looked around, but didn't see anything. I continued to walk, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around once again, frantically. Nothing was behind me.

"Is anyone there?"  I yelled, expecting a response.

I waited a second, but there was no response. I shrugged and continued forward, but as I turned my head forward, there he was.

A man that towered over me, he was about 6'6", he looked ripped up. This man has obviously been through hell on earth.

"Hey there sweetheart!" The man said.

"May I help you?" I asked, anxiously.

He shrugged.

"I mean, I've felt a bit lonely out here, and I see you walking by every evening..." The man was thinking.

I was even more anxious than before, he watches me walk home every night?!

"Y-you watch me walk home?" I asked.

He smiled big, and nodded.

"Uhm...." I was hesitant on talking to him any longer.

He started to edge closer to me, I wasn't comfortable.

"I actually have to get home, I have to work tomorrow, hehe, so I best get moving along..." I said, trying not to offend him.

He looked as if he was not going to take this.

"Oh ho ho, I don't think you are going anywhere, sweetheart." He mentioned, not getting out of my way.

I looked up at him curiously.

"W-what do you m-mean?" I was physically shaking.

"You are coming with me, to be my sex slave." He said, with no suggestion.

That's when more ruggedly looking men came out, Some with weapons.

"You are going to be a sex slave for all of us... sweetheart...." the man said.

I looked around, seeing all the huge men around me. I froze. This was kill or be killed.

"Uhh..." I stood there frozen for a second more.

That's when, out of no where, I started to run towards a guy with a gun. I snagged the gun, and shot the guy that was talking to me. I started shooting a few other guys, I don't know where the hell they all came from... there was about 10 of them...

I was rapidly shooting them. Until one of he guys came up behind me, and slit my throat...


I woke up...

But not on earth....

I looked up, seeing the red gaze of the sky.... where the hell am I?

I rubbed my head.

That's when I noticed, this isn't my hand?!?

I had claws... I had a grey hand...

Death, but no Description (AlastorXReader)Where stories live. Discover now