chapter 22

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(Y/n's POV)

~Y/N's Dream~

As the time flew by us, I hardly thought about the past between Alastor and I. All the chaos and hell between us, but yet, now we are engaged... Time can change the factors of our lives, One moment you hate someone, and the next you are in love. The time will tick by, and time will change just as you life does. I may be stuck down here in hell for eternity, but at the least, I am not alone. Hope is still a concept I look towards, even in my circumstances... 

But for now, all I have to wonder is... how? how did it all come to this? One moment I was alive and working. Hating my life, Hating my job, Hating everything. Fighting my boss on a daily... but I was soon sent here, to hell, with no choice... I tried to save my life, and due to those deeds I did... I was claimed the evil mastermind.... I never did anything wrong... until that day. I don't regret my choices at this point, because now, I am comfortable in hell! As strange as that sounds... the thought of my death will forever haunt me, ill never escape the pain. All of my hard work went down the drain, and now I'm a puppet under the spell of love, and trapped in the hands of the radio demon. He could kill me, anytime... anywhere... anyway... my mind started to tremble.

And I finally woke up from my recap, and from my slumber...


I shot my head up, and immediately looked around the room. Alastor was sound asleep next to me. I looked down at myself, and noticed that I was naked.... I shot my glance back towards Alastor, and he was naked as well.

"damnit..." I mumbled softly.

I slipped out of the bed, found my clothes on the floor, and put them on. I checked the time. It was 3am, but I wasn't in the mood to sleep anymore... I instead left the bedroom silently, making my way to the washroom. I slipped into the washroom, and shut the door silently, in order to not wake up Al. Turning on the tap, I grabbed a cloth and washed my face. But soon I froze at my reflection in the mirror. I don't look at myself in the mirror often, but I am always in shock when I see myself. I am nothing but a monster trapped in the burning pits of hell.. how could I ever adapt to this? I am trapped in a body that I cannot call my own, because I lost my own body months ago... I am merely a soul trapped in a place that I cannot escape... the only way to escape is the yearly extermination.... I looked down towards my cell phone, and looked at the date. The extermination.... its tomorrow! I propped up, and a smile grew on my hideous face. 

"I can escape this!" I said a tad too loud. 

I heard footsteps trailing towards the bathroom door. Oh shit, I woke up Alastor. I was trying to lot my escape, but then I froze in that thought. I AM ENGAGED...  That means... Alastor wont let go of me that easily. I sighed. I stood in silence for a moment, until there was a knock on the door. I froze. The knocking got louder. 

"Y/N dearest? I know you are in there, and I know what you are thinking... now please open this door before I break it down!"  Alastor muffled through the door.

My silent breath soon turned to heavy panting. I was panicking. He knew what I was thinking... my plans... my thoughts were cut off from harsher banging on the door.

"open this door!" Al yelled.

I slowly walked towards the door, and unlocked the door. I slowly creaked open the door, which immediately slammed open, and Alastor flew in. He grabbed ahold of me, and pinned me against the wall. 

"you aren't allowed to die in tomorrows extermination... and you are not a monster!" He immediately spoke.

I looked away from his face, and sighed lightly. A tear rolled down my face. 

"you only want me for the good feeling you get from fucking me..." I whimpered.

Alastor froze in his place, his grip grew stronger. 

"that isn't the case, my love. You are my everything, and I cant simply just let you go! You are my fiancé, my future wife, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't have placed a engagement ring on your finger. Also, I am an Asexual man, I don't live off of sex. I just want to be able to show you that I love you, but I feel like I can never truly show you how much I love you... my love for you cannot be expressed in mere actions... but that's as best as I can do until I can call you mine forever..." Alastor retorted.

I continued to look away from him. 

"Y/N, please look me in the eyes." He asked.

I was hesitant, but looked him in the eyes. Alastor's glance was gentle, it was hard to look away. 

"see,  I will never hurt you, my love." Alastor sighed.

I sighed lightly in return. Alastor then laid a peck on my cheek, and rested his head in my neck. At this point, Alastor was wrapped around me. I have never seen him this petty of a state before. I soon joined him, and rest my head in his neck.

"Lets go back to bed, my dear." Alastor whispered into my ear.

I nodded, and Al scooped me off my feet. He swiftly walked back to the bed room, placing me on the bed. He slipped in next to me, and wrapped himself around me, as if he were trying to chain me up and protect me at the same time. 

"Goodnight, Y/N" Alastor whispered soundly.

"Goodnight Al.." I mumbled back.

As we laid there, I couldn't help but to continue my train wreck of thoughts. I don't know what to do anymore..

How will this end?

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