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Imagine being an exchange student and moving to a country that speaks a language you don't know. On top of that, you are to trade lives with another student for two weeks as a project. A Korean student. To top it all off, the student you're trading lives with is the most popular student in the entire school. Well, that's what Yanan dealing is with right now. He could barely speak Korean well enough to get by and now he has to speak Korean just to interact with his "family."

Yanan sighed as he walked into his messy apartment. He stood and stared at all the boxes he has yet to unpack scattered everywhere. He knew he needed to unpack and organize everything before Monday when the project officially begins. But he couldn't find the motivation to actually do so.

"If I put on some music and do it now, I can relax for the rest of the weekend." Yanan muttered to himself as he connected his phone to his mini Bluetooth speaker.

Pressing shuffle, BTS's Airplane Pt. 2 began playing from the speaker. Putting the speaker on top of two boxes labeled clothes, Yanan picked up all three and made his way to his bedroom. He hummed along to the song as he hung/folded clothes putting them away in his closet. As he walked back into his living room to grab more of his clothes, he realized that he needed to pack for his project. Yanan groaned before bringing the rest of the boxes containing his clothes to his room once more and pulling out a suitcase. Working quickly, he separated the clothes he plans to pack and put away the rest in his closet. He figured that if packed a week's worth of clothes, he could do the laundry and wear the same clothes for the second week.

Zipping up his suitcase and closing the door to his closet, Yanan smiled seeing only 30 minutes had passed. He then moved to the living room where he opened the box filled with books. He moved to the bookshelf and filled the top two rows. Afterward, he took the box labeled albums and filled another row. He put his Monsta X, NCT, and SHINee lightsticks on the shelf underneath the albums before filling the bottom row with DVDs. He moved onto the rest of the boxes and by the time he finished putting away kitchen supplies and hanging photo frames around the apartment, he only had one last box labeled posters to unpack. Noticing that it was getting late, Yanan decided to make a small dinner for himself before he hung his posters. After he hung his posters in his bedroom, he put all the empty boxes in the recycling bin and plopped onto the couch. By then, his speaker had died so it was charging in his room. Yanan only groaned when he heard his phone ring but pulled it out nonetheless. His facial expression quickly changed when he saw the caller ID. Pressing answer on the facetime call, he sat up as the connection was established.

"YANANNIE!!!" Junhui screamed from the phone.

"Jun calm down oh my god." Minghao scolded before appearing in the camera's view. "Hi Yanan."

"Hey guys." Yanan smiled.

"Are you settling in okay?" Minghao asked.

"Slowly but surely. Although my Korean still sucks." Yanan replied laughing.

"Don't worry! Your Korean will be amazing before you know it!" Jun chirped.

"And we'll help you all the time once we get back to Korea." Minghao assured.

"Speaking of, how's your trip going?" Yanan asked.

"My boyfriend has the mental age of a 5-year-old. Yanan help me." Minghao joked.

"Hey! I'm older than you!" Jun pouted.

"But you act younger." Minghao teased.

"I feel like I'm watching a cute drama." Yanan laughed.

"On a serious note, the trip's been a lot of fun. We're going to Shenzhen next week and Anshan the week after. Then we'll be heading back to Korea." Minghao smiled.

"Now I have another reason to want the next two weeks to go by." Yanan smiled.

"What's the first reason?" Jun asked.

"I have this project where I'm supposed to trade lives with another kid in the school and the boy I'm partners with is the most popular boy in the entire school." Yanan complained.

"That's... a weird project." Minghao commented.

"You'll still be able to talk to us, right?" Jun asked.

"Yeah. The project doesn't really apply to friends outside of school so... hope the other boy won't mind being lonely at school for two weeks." Yanan laughed.

"I'm sure mister popular can handle. But if anything happens, don't forget to spill the tea." Minghao winked.

"But I don't want to be stuck with the popular kids. I'd rather just mind my own business." Yanan whined.

"The popular kids will likely be nice Yanannie! And maybe they'll be your friends after the project ends too." Jun smiled.

"I highly doubt that but thanks for the words of support." Yanan sighed.

"You'll be fine. Don't worry too much about it and the next two weeks will fly by." Minghao reassured.

"I hope so..." Yanan trailed off.

"We have to go now but don't stress too much okay? Text us if you need anything." Minghao said looking at his watch as Yanan nodded.

"Bye you two."

"Bye bye Yanannie!"

"Bye Yanan!"

Once the call ended, Yanan ruffled his hair and got up from the couch. He took a quick shower before relaxing in his bed. As he was scrolling through Instagram, he came across the popular boy's account. Being the curious person that he was, he clicked on the profile only to be met with plenty of posts. A quick scan of all his photos told Yanan that this boy was friends with everyone. Besides the occasional selfies, every post was of him and friends. Yanan thought back to his own account with less than 20 posts that occasionally featured Minghao and Jun. Yanan was glad he put his account on private otherwise everyone would see the lack of friends he had. Yawning, Yanan plugged in his phone and turned off the light; he settled into his bed before falling asleep.

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