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"Huh?" Yanan asked turning around. "Oh, Changgu! Nice to see you here."

"Yeah, you too. How've you been holding up?"

"It's been okay, your parents are out of town though. How are you doing living alone?"

"Well I'm not the greatest at cooking which presents a problem but I'm making sure not to damage anything."

"Oh yeah... well it doesn't matter, living in the 21st century means delivery." Yanan giggled.

"Hey Hongseok, Jinho, Yuto! How are you guys?"

"We've been doing okay. School's been kinda kicking our butts but what's new?" Hongseok replied.

"Also, your Korean has improved a lot!" Jinho smiled.

"Thanks! Living here and having to speak it all the time is a great help to learning." Yanan laughed.

"Hey Yanan! We were wondering what happened to you! Oh, hey Changgu!" Hyunggu exclaimed popping up next to Yanan.

"Hey Hyunggu! Is everyone here?"

"Yeah, they should be right behind me I'm not sure what's taking them so long."

"Hyunggu, there was no need for you to have run so fast! Yanan wasn't even mov-" Wooseok huffed as he caught up to the two, words stopping short at the sight of the company before him.

"Wooseok, this is Jinho, Hongseok, and Yuto. Everyone, this is Wooseok." Yanan introduced internally giggling at the way the youngest gaped.

The three all waved with small smiles as they watched the boy slowly process what was happening. It took the rest of the group appearing to finally snap Wooseok out of his stupor.

"Hey Wooseok, aren't you in one of my classes? I think I've seen you around." Yuto asks looking at the taller.

"Uh..." Wooseok trails off.

"Sorry about him, his brain is short-circuiting right now, but if it's of any information, Wooseok is a first-year majoring in rap." Huitaek interrupted using a hand to gently close the boy's mouth.

"Oh well I'm a second-year majoring in rap as well, I think I remember seeing him now." Yuto mused looking at the taller. "Um... is he gonna be okay?"

"Yeah he'll be fine don't worry about him. By the way, do you guys want to join us? We're about to go sing karaoke." Hyunggu offered.

"That's actually where we were heading, have you guys gotten a room yet?" Changgu replied.

"Not yet. What about you guys?" Huitaek said.

"Yeah, just follow us, we got fairly large room anyway." Hongseok said walking towards their said room.

The boys all piled into the room, grateful that the room was significantly larger than what someone would expect for what was originally four people. Jinho and Hongseok began the session singing a ballad, with Hongseok's lower vocal range blending in nicely with Jinho's higher range. Afterward, the group recommended Jinho and Huitaek sing together because of their incredibly strong vocals. Yuto chose a slow rap asking Wooseok to perform it with him claiming that it never hurts to practice. Despite Wooseok's brain struggling to process the events around him, the two were able to give a good performance. Hyojong, Shinwon, and Kino chose an upbeat almost rock song to jam out to while Changgu chose a moderate ballad. Yanan was the only one who hadn't gotten the mic yet so after Changgu finished, they all collectively agreed with giving the mic to Yanan.

"Uh... I don't think my Korean reading skills are good enough to read karaoke..." Yanan muttered looking at the mic in his hand.

"There should be Chinese songs here too, you can choose one of those if it makes you more comfortable." Hongseok said flipping through the book.

"But you guys, except Jinho and Hongseok, wouldn't understand."

"That's okay, language barriers don't exist in music." Huitaek smiled.

Yanan hesitantly took the book of songs and selected a soft ballad. His voice rang out beautifully in the room, capturing everyone's attention. Especially Changgu's. Now don't get him wrong, he's heard numerous beautiful voices, heck, he's best friends with Huitaek. But there was something about Yanan that was all the more captivating. Maybe it was the way his ears were a little pink from the nervousness of singing or the small hand gestures as the song continued on, but Changgu realized he really wanted to get closer to Yanan, even when the project ends.

When their time in the room was up, the group decided on playing a few arcade games before grabbing dinner. They took a game card and each loaded 10000 won to share between the 10 of them. After rounds of racing games, shooting games, and even the photobooths, the boys piled out of the arcade towards the food court. They agreed that there was no table large enough to fit all 10 of them so they split into groups of 5 with tables next to each other instead. The overall atmosphere was relaxed, with everyone joking with everyone, you wouldn't believe some had just met that day. Wooseok was talking to Yuto who equally returned the conversation, Huitaek and Hyojong were deep in conversation with Jinho and Hongseok, while Shinwon, Hyunggu, Changgu, and Yanan were carrying light conversation while eating their food.

By the time they were done eating, everyone agreed that it was late and that they should all be heading home. Parting ways in the parking lot, each boy went home and crashed, trying to embrace the rare moments of not having homework by sleeping as much as possible.


A/N: This chapter doesn't hit the word count minimum that I typically set for my updates but I really wanted to post something so here we are. I hope this book isn't getting too boring, I'm working on the buildup to the climax of the story that I hope will be happening in the next few chapters.

~Admin Jin

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2020 ⏰

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